It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Maritime record TR 35 NE 81 - Wreck (north), Pegwell Bay, recorded 2010
Remains of wooden craft recorded in the inter-tidal zone in Pegwell Bay in 2010, the northern site of two wrecks fairly close together on a north-south alignment along the beach, both likely to be sailing vessels. This example is of unknown date, but has a high likelihood of being of post-medieval date by comparison with the remains of other inter-tidal wreck sites of wooden construction revealed by sand erosion during the early 21st century. In this inter-tidal location the manner of loss is interpretable as by stranding or beaching. For the southern wreck of this cluster, please see 1619277, and for a cluster of three sites in the marine zone to the north-east, please see 1619282, Together these sites represent a possible ships' graveyard.
Status: Site
Grid reference | TR 3600 5995 (point) |
Map sheet | TR35NE |
County | KENT |
Civil Parish | WORTH, DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
<1> United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO), United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) wreck report, 77608 (Index). SKE55741.
<2> SeaZone Hydrospatial, 2018, Digital marine geographic information derived from SeaZone Hydrospatial (Digital archive). SKE55742.
<3> Historic England, 2018, Oral information, correspondence (not archived) or staff comments (Verbal communication). SKE55743.
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SKE55741 Index: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO). United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) wreck report. 77608.
- <2> SKE55742 Digital archive: SeaZone Hydrospatial. 2018. Digital marine geographic information derived from SeaZone Hydrospatial.
- <3> SKE55743 Verbal communication: Historic England. 2018. Oral information, correspondence (not archived) or staff comments.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Jan 12 2024 9:41AM