Monument record TQ 77 SE 252 - A possible Second World War bomb crater, visible as earthworks on aerial photographs taken in 1944 and 1947


A possible Second World War bomb crater, visible as earthworks on aerial photographs taken in 1944 and 1947, has been mapped as part of the English Heritage: Hoo Peninsula Landscape Project. The feature appears as an area of disturbed earth with overall dimensions of about 24.2m by 15.9m. It is located just outside the south western corner of the perimeter fence of the Lodge Hill Armaments Depot. If this feature is a bomb crater, it may be evidence of an (apparently minor) air raid on Lodge Hill which took place on the night of 7-8 May 1942, and may be associated with other craters located in the vicinity of the south western part of Lodge Hill Depot Depot.


Grid reference Centred TQ 7579 7310 (27m by 21m)
Map sheet TQ77SE
County KENT
Unitary Authority MEDWAY


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

<1> USAAF?, 1944, NMR US/7GR/LOC348 2064-5 27-MAY-1944 (Photograph). SKE56027.

<2> RAF, 1947, NMR RAF/CPE/UK/1923 4084 16-JAN-1947 (Photograph). SKE56107.

<3> David Evans, 01/01/06, Arming the Fleet (Article in monograph). SKE14431.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Photograph: USAAF?. 1944. NMR US/7GR/LOC348 2064-5 27-MAY-1944. NMR US/7GR/LOC348 2064-5 27-MAY-1944.
  • <2> Photograph: RAF. 1947. NMR RAF/CPE/UK/1923 4084 16-JAN-1947. NMR RAF/CPE/UK/1923 4084 16-JAN-1947.
  • <3> Article in monograph: David Evans. 01/01/06. Arming the Fleet.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: English Heritage: Hoo Peninsula Landscape Project NMP (EKE20812)

Record last edited

May 22 2024 12:15PM