Maritime record TQ 87 SW 30 - REMAINS OF A First World War GERMAN SUBMARINE, north of the Bee Ness Jetty


The remains of a surrendered First World War German U-boat beached in the inter-tidal zone to the west of Humble Bee creek in Stoke Saltings, after being broken up locally in 1921 or 1922. Various candidates have been suggested, including U 122 and U 123; UB 76, UB 93, UB 122, UB 144, UB 145, and UB 150. The wreck in the Medway measures circa 50m, more consistent with the dimensions of a UB type vessel than a U type. The identity most persistently suggested for this vessel is the remains of UB 122, which, however, was recorded at Portsmouth for sinking in deep water in 1921. This wreck can be seen on aerial photographs taken in 1946 and was still visible in 2011. It was mapped from aerial photographs as part of the English Heritage: Hoo Peninsula Landscape Project. A neighbouring wreck is the remains of the SWALE, recorded at 1538287.This site was assessed under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 as amended in 2017. It did not meet the criteria for scheduling and is therefore not included in the Schedule. . Status: Site


Grid reference TQ 83053 73456 (point) FCE
Map sheet TQ87SW
County KENT
Unitary Authority MEDWAY


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

<2> 1946, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9439.

<3> 1946, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9488.

<4> 1946, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9492.

<5> 2000, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX10307.

<7> SeaZone Hydrospatial, 2018, Digital marine geographic information derived from SeaZone Hydrospatial (Digital archive). SKE55742.

<8> Patricia o'Driscoll, 1980, Coast and Country (Monograph). SKE56306.

<1/6> Hydrographic Office wreck index, Extracted 20-JAN-1993, Page Nos. N/a (Bibliographic reference). SKE6339.

<24> Gloucestershire Chronicle, 1921, Gloucestershire Chronicle (Newspaper). SKE56308.

<27> Historic England, 2017, Designation Decision Record (Unpublished document). SKE56309.

<29> Aidan Dodson, 2015, Admiralty Sales Ledger 1919-1939 (Index). SKE56310.

<9-11> Oral information, correspondence (not archived) or staff comments (Verbal communication). SKE56307.

<12-23> Peter Higginbotham, Higginbotham, Peter. 2000. The Workhouse. (Website). SKE53741.

Sources/Archives (12)

  • <2> Photograph (Print): 1946. Photograph. 3053. print.
  • <3> Photograph (Print): 1946. Photograph. 3035. print.
  • <4> Photograph (Print): 1946. Photograph. 3048. print.
  • <5> Photograph (Print): 2000. Photograph. 175. print.
  • <7> Digital archive: SeaZone Hydrospatial. 2018. Digital marine geographic information derived from SeaZone Hydrospatial.
  • <8> Monograph: Patricia o'Driscoll. 1980. Coast and Country.
  • <1/6> Bibliographic reference: Hydrographic Office wreck index. Extracted 20-JAN-1993, Page Nos. N/a.
  • <24> Newspaper: Gloucestershire Chronicle. 1921. Gloucestershire Chronicle.
  • <27> Unpublished document: Historic England. 2017. Designation Decision Record.
  • <29> Index: Aidan Dodson. 2015. Admiralty Sales Ledger 1919-1939.
  • <9-11> Verbal communication: Oral information, correspondence (not archived) or staff comments.
  • <12-23> Website: Peter Higginbotham. Higginbotham, Peter. 2000. The Workhouse..

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: English Heritage: Hoo Peninsula Landscape Project NMP (EKE20812)

Record last edited

Jul 22 2024 12:39PM