Monument record TQ 83 SE 52 - Late medieval shipyard, Small Hythe


Medieval shipyard in use during the early 15th to mid-16th century. The remains of four possible slipways, surviving in the form of linear depressions, have been identified on an aerial photograph from 1960. These slipways would have been on the edge of the medieval course of the River Rother which by the mid-16th century had silted up leading to the demise of the shipyard. During an limited excavation in 1998 for the Channel Four programme “Time Team”, one slipway was investigated, along with a possible associated limekiln. A large number of iron fittings related with shipbuilding and fragments of ship timbers were recovered during the excavation. The shipyard was associated with two of Henry V's ships: the Jesus, actually built at Small Hythe, and the Henry Grace à Dieu.


Grid reference TQ 894 300 (point) KNT
Map sheet TQ83SE
County KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

<1> Terrain Archaeology, 2002, Smallhythe, Tenterden, Kent Archaeological Investigations by Time Team June 1998 (Unpublished document). SKE12205.

<2> Archaeology South-East, 2005, Archaeological and Historic Landscape Survey, Smallhythe Place Kent (Unpublished document). SKE16623.

<3> Archaeology South-East, 2006, An Archaeological Watching Brief at Smallhythe Place, Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, Kent: A Post-Excavation Assessment And Project Design For Publication (Unpublished document). SKE16624.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Terrain Archaeology. 2002. Smallhythe, Tenterden, Kent Archaeological Investigations by Time Team June 1998.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 2005. Archaeological and Historic Landscape Survey, Smallhythe Place Kent.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 2006. An Archaeological Watching Brief at Smallhythe Place, Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, Kent: A Post-Excavation Assessment And Project Design For Publication.

Finds (5)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Related Events/Activities (5)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: Desk based assessment, Smallhythe Place, Kent (EKE10866)
  • Intrusive Event: Smallhythe Time Team Excavation (Ref: 5024.1) (EKE8515)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Smallhythe Time Team Excavation (Ref: 5024.1) (EKE8516)
  • Intrusive Event: Smallhythe Time Team Excavation: Auger Survey (Ref: 5024) (EKE8517)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Watching brief at Smallhythe Place, Tenterden (Ref: SHP05) (EKE10867)

Record last edited

Feb 3 2012 11:25AM