Monument record TQ 66 NE 59 - World War II Heavy Anti-aircraft gunsite (TS15), 250m east of Cobhambury Farm


The site of a World War II heavy anti-aircraft battery. The battery at Cobhambury Farm consisted of four 4.5 inch guns and was probably established by February 1940 as battery Thames South 15. Summary from record TQ 66 NE 184: Second World War anti-aircraft battery in woodland, on the south side of Lodge Lane, Cobham. The battery of closely placed structures faces SE and consists of four concrete emplacements for 4.5-in. guns on the points of an imaginary trapezium. Between the front two emplacements is a sunken magazine. Between the rear two emplacements is a command post. About 50m NE of the battery are possible foundation traces of an accommodation camp. The battery was established by no later than 1940 as part of the Thames South zone of anti-aircraft gun defences (battery TS15). It was decommissioned by 1945 and for several years became a camp for the homeless. The structures survive but are derelict and overgrown.


Grid reference Centred TQ 6761 6825 (135m by 107m) FCE
Map sheet TQ66NE
County KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

<1> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, pers. comm. Victor Smith to KCC, 9/7/96. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.

<2> English Heritage, 2002, Scheduled Ancient Monument description of Cobhambury Park HAA battery, Cobham, SAM description (Bibliographic reference). SKE8225.

<3> Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders, 2001, Kent's Defence Heritage (Unpublished document). SKE6956.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. pers. comm. Victor Smith to KCC, 9/7/96..
  • <2> Bibliographic reference: English Heritage. 2002. Scheduled Ancient Monument description of Cobhambury Park HAA battery, Cobham. SAM description.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders. 2001. Kent's Defence Heritage.

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Record last edited

Oct 12 2012 4:32PM