It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument record TQ 97 SW 64 - Post medieval brickworks, Queenborough
Post medieval brickworks, Queenborough.
Grid reference | TQ 928 716 (point) FCE |
Map sheet | TQ97SW |
District | SWALE, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Wessex Archaeology, A249 Iwade Bypass to Queenborough Road Improvements, Kent: Archaeological Survey: Stage 2: Preliminary Field Evaluation (Unpublished document). SKE11943.
Wessex Archaeology, A249 Iwade Bypass to Queenborough Road Improvements, Kent: Archaeological Survey: Stage 2: Preliminary Field Evaluation (Unpublished document). Ske11943.
<1> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, A249 Iwade bypass to Queenborough improvement, Arch survey, Wessex Arch, 1992. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.
Sources/Archives (3)
- --- SKE11943 Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. A249 Iwade Bypass to Queenborough Road Improvements, Kent: Archaeological Survey: Stage 2: Preliminary Field Evaluation.
- --- SKE11943 Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. A249 Iwade Bypass to Queenborough Road Improvements, Kent: Archaeological Survey: Stage 2: Preliminary Field Evaluation.
- <1> SKE6440 Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. A249 Iwade bypass to Queenborough improvement, Arch survey, Wessex Arch, 1992..
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Feb 1 2001 9:24AM