Monument record TR 34 SW 501 - Former site of Walkers Seed Mill, Limekiln Street, Dover


Former site of Walkers Seed Mill, Limekiln Street, Dover, first established in the late 18th/early 19th century. The factory was burnt down in a fire in 1960 and levelled. (location accurate to the nearest 10m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TR 3154 4068 (56m by 79m)
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

Brace, H. W., 1960, History of Seed Crushing in Great Britain (Monograph). SKE7972.

<1> Lorraine Sencicle, 2014, The Dover Historian - Oil Mills (Website). SKE32105.

<2> Brace, H. W., 1960, History of Seed Crushing in Great Britain, Brace 1960 hist Seed Crushing in GB p 105 (Monograph). SKE7972.

<3> Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit, 1999, Limekiln Street, Dover - report on an archaeological watching brief (Unpublished document). SKE6615.

<4> Landmark, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 1st edition 1862-1875): Landmark Epoch 1 (Map). SKE30964.

<5> Landmark, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 2nd Edition, 1897-1900): Landmark Epoch 2 (Map). SKE30965.

<6> Landmark, 1907-1923, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 3rd Edition, 1907-1923): Landmark Epoch 3 (Map). SKE30966.

<7> Landmark, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 4th Edition, 1929-1952): Landmark Epoch 4 (Map). SKE30967.

Sources/Archives (8)

  • --- Monograph: Brace, H. W.. 1960. History of Seed Crushing in Great Britain.
  • <1> Website: Lorraine Sencicle. 2014. The Dover Historian - Oil Mills.
  • <2> Monograph: Brace, H. W.. 1960. History of Seed Crushing in Great Britain. Brace 1960 hist Seed Crushing in GB p 105.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit. 1999. Limekiln Street, Dover - report on an archaeological watching brief.
  • <4>XY Map: Landmark. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 1st edition 1862-1875): Landmark Epoch 1. [Mapped feature: #99469 Seed mill, ]
  • <5> Map: Landmark. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 2nd Edition, 1897-1900): Landmark Epoch 2.
  • <6> Map: Landmark. 1907-1923. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 3rd Edition, 1907-1923): Landmark Epoch 3.
  • <7> Map: Landmark. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 4th Edition, 1929-1952): Landmark Epoch 4.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (4)

Related Events/Activities (11)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: South-East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey (Ref: 71330) (EWX10072)
  • Event Boundary: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover (EKE4889)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, east foundation trench. (EKE15781)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, internal foundation trench. (EKE15782)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, north foundation trench 1. (EKE15784)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, north foundation trench 2. (EKE15785)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, north foundation trench 3. (EKE15786)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, south foundation trench. (EKE15783)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, west foundation trench 1. (EKE15787)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, west foundation trench 2. (EKE15788)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, west foundation trench 3. (EKE15789)

Record last edited

Jun 7 2019 11:47AM