Findspot record TR 24 SE 95 - Metal-detector find, Chilton Farm, Alkham


Crescent shaped copper alloy bead or pendant with circular perforation decorated with dots. Date uncertain though possibly Iron Age. Metal detector finds from 1974 in fields above Chilton Farm, Alkham. Donanted to Dover Museum in March 1995 and identified by Cathy Haith of British Museum.


Grid reference TR 2783 4312 (point) Estimated from sources
Map sheet TR24SE
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Metal detector finds from 1974 in fields above Chilton Farm, Alkham. Donanted to Dover Museum in March 1995 and identified by Cathy Haith of British Museum.

1. Cast copper shoe-shaped belt rivet Anglo Saxon 6th century. (tr 24 se 94)

2. Cast copper buckle tongue with punched ring-and-dot ornament on shield with rounded base and punched dots on faceted curved tip. 6th century Anglo-Saxon. (TR 24 SE 63)

3. Crescent shaped copper alloy bead or pendant with circular perforation decorated with dots. Date uncertain though possibly Iron Age. (TR 24 SE 95)

4. Silver gilt fragment of disc brooch decorated with transverse ridgesand inner border of zig-zag. Centre pierced by rivet, back has cast zig-zags and traversingridges. Anglo Saxon late 6th century. (TR 24 SE 96)

These finds suggest Anglo-Saxon activity in this area, perhaps even a cemetary.(1)

<1> Keith Parfitt, 1995, Anglo-Saxon Finds from Chilton Farm, Alkham (Unpublished document). SKE7971.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Keith Parfitt. 1995. Anglo-Saxon Finds from Chilton Farm, Alkham.

Finds (1)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Chilton Farm, Alkham (EKE5840)

Record last edited

Feb 5 2002 12:00AM