Monument record TQ 76 NE 387 - The medieval remains of Grench Manor, Gillingham
Grid reference | TQ 7935 6849 (point) Centred |
Map sheet | TQ76NE |
County | KENT |
Unitary Authority | MEDWAY |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
EDP, 2009, Grace Manor, Gillingham, Kent: Archaeological Assessment (Unpublished document). SKE15930.
<1> Hasted, E., 1786, The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 2, Hist of Kent 2 1782 83 (E Hasted) (Monograph). SKE8061.
<2> Arch Cant 29 1911 237 (A Hussey) (OS Card Reference). SKE34946.
<2> Hussey, A., 1911, Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 29. Chapels in Kent, Arch Cant 29 1911 237 (A Hussey) (Article in serial). SKE8032.
<3> Chats about Gillingham 1906 30 (CS Leeds) (OS Card Reference). SKE38951.
<4> E Smith Randall Owner (OS Card Reference). SKE41539.
<5> F1 AC 06-NOV-51 (OS Card Reference). SKE41769.
<6> F2 CFW 05-NOV-64 (OS Card Reference). SKE43207.
<7> DOE (HHR) Borough of Gillingham 1973 (OS Card Reference). SKE39911.
<8> Newman, J., 1980, Buildings of England: West Kent and the Weald, Bldgs of Eng West Kent and the Weald 1980 293-94 (J Newman) (Monograph). SKE7817.
<9> DOE Amendment Letter. 6.11.90 (OS Card Reference). SKE40783.
<10> Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit, 1992, Gillingham Grench Manor: Summary Report of an Archaeological Rescue-Excavation January 1992 (Unpublished document). SWX6865.
<11> Field report for monument TQ 76 NE 43 - November, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4068.
<12> South East Archaeological Services, 1995, Archaeological Evaluation at Grench Manor, 348 Grange Road, Gillingham (Unpublished document). SWX7042.
<13> Kirk, L, 1998, Excavation at Grench Manor, Gillingham (Unpublished document). SKE11931.
<14> Oxford Archaeology, 2005, Grace Manor Nursing Home, Grange Road, Gillingham, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE12490.
<15> Wessex Archaeology, 2000, Grange Farm, Gillingham Kent Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (Unpublished document). SKE12491.
<15> CgMs Consulting, 2002, Archaeological Desk Based Assessment of Land at Grange Farm, Gillingham (Unpublished document). SKE12492.
<16> Oxford Archaeology, 2005, Grace Manor Nursing Home, Grange Road, Gillingham, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE15625.
Sources/Archives (19)
- --- SKE15930 Unpublished document: EDP. 2009. Grace Manor, Gillingham, Kent: Archaeological Assessment.
- <1> SKE8061 Monograph: Hasted, E.. 1786. The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 2. Hist of Kent 2 1782 83 (E Hasted).
- <2> SKE34946 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 29 1911 237 (A Hussey).
- <2> SKE8032 Article in serial: Hussey, A.. 1911. Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 29. Chapels in Kent. XXIX p217 - 258. Arch Cant 29 1911 237 (A Hussey).
- <3> SKE38951 OS Card Reference: Chats about Gillingham 1906 30 (CS Leeds).
- <4> SKE41539 OS Card Reference: E Smith Randall Owner.
- <5> SKE41769 OS Card Reference: F1 AC 06-NOV-51.
- <6> SKE43207 OS Card Reference: F2 CFW 05-NOV-64.
- <7> SKE39911 OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) Borough of Gillingham 1973.
- <8> SKE7817 Monograph: Newman, J.. 1980. Buildings of England: West Kent and the Weald. Bldgs of Eng West Kent and the Weald 1980 293-94 (J Newman).
- <9> SKE40783 OS Card Reference: DOE Amendment Letter. 6.11.90.
- <10> SWX6865 Unpublished document: Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit. 1992. Gillingham Grench Manor: Summary Report of an Archaeological Rescue-Excavation January 1992.
- <11> SKE4068 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 76 NE 43 - November, 1964.
- <12> SWX7042 Unpublished document: South East Archaeological Services. 1995. Archaeological Evaluation at Grench Manor, 348 Grange Road, Gillingham.
- <13> SKE11931 Unpublished document: Kirk, L. 1998. Excavation at Grench Manor, Gillingham.
- <14>XY SKE12490 Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeology. 2005. Grace Manor Nursing Home, Grange Road, Gillingham, Kent. [Mapped feature: #19337 house, ]
- <15> SKE12491 Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2000. Grange Farm, Gillingham Kent Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment.
- <15> SKE12492 Unpublished document: CgMs Consulting. 2002. Archaeological Desk Based Assessment of Land at Grange Farm, Gillingham.
- <16> SKE15625 Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeology. 2005. Grace Manor Nursing Home, Grange Road, Gillingham, Kent.
Finds (6)
- POTTERY ASSEMBLAGE (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)
- BOTTLE (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)
- OYSTER SHELL (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1250 AD? to 1599 AD?)
- POTTERY ASSEMBLAGE (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1250 AD? to 1599 AD?)
- TILE (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1250 AD? to 1599 AD?)
- ANIMAL REMAINS (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1250 AD? to 1599 AD?)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (2)
Related Events/Activities (5)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluaton at Grench Manor, 348 Grange Road, Gillingham (Ref: Project 1994/224) (EKE8158)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at Grench Manor (EKE8152)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at Grench Manor, Gillingham (Ref: Project 246) (EKE8159)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Grace Manor, Gillingham, Kent: Archaeological Assessment (EKE10268)
- Intrusive Event: Investigation at Grange Farm Gillingham (Ref: KKGF 03) (EKE10251)
Record last edited
Jul 21 2021 2:50PM