Monument record TQ 77 SE 160 - Early medieval to medieval occupation site, Four Elms Roundabout A289, Frindsbury Extra


An early medieval farmstead, built on the remains of an earlier Romano-British shrine enclosure and making use of the old ditch. Occupation began sometime between 575 - 700 AD and went out of use in the late 11th or 12th century.


Grid reference TQ 75047 71417 (point) Estimated from sources
Map sheet TQ77SE
County KENT


Type and Period (5)

Full Description

An early medieval occupation site, dating from between 575-700 AD, which re-used the remnants of an earlier Romano-British site (TQ 77 SE 159). Three consecutive, overlapping enclosures were located, one of which appears to be a re-cut of the earlier Romano-British ditch. Along with a number of pits, possibly cess-pits, three structures were recorded from within the enclosure site:
Structure 1 - A rectangular building, 13 m long and 6 m wide, which, from a large quantity of burnt clay and daub, was later destroyed by fire.

Structure 3 - Overlay the Romano-British shrine, and represented by a beam trench and post-holes, with a drain or eaves-drip gully. Dates possibly to between 1050 - 1175.

Structure 4 - Only partially revealed and had no dating evidence.

Occupation on the site seems to have ended by the 11th or 12th century (1-3)

The Roman settlement was superseded by Anglo-Saxon occupation consisting of 2 or more structures, associated enclosures and pit complexes of possibly more than one phase. The dating evidence is sparse.
Enclsoure 3 replaced the Roman Enclosure 2. Subsequently enlarged and modified. Fill of ditch contained charcoal and daub and just a single Anglo-Saxon sherd (with a few Roman sherds).

Structure 3, in the Western half of Enclosure 3. Superseded the late C3rd/C4th backfilling of the Roman enclosure ditches, indicating that it belongs to a Post-Roman phase. Little dating evidence for the structural reamins, though 13 of the postholes each yielded 1 or 2 small Roman sherds, thought to be residual. Rectangular building c. 14m long and 6 m wide [Is this Structure 1 above?]. Gullies nearby associated with this building thought to be for drainage, but the contents of gullies fail to provide date as only residual Roman pottery found. Series of cess pits to the south of this building.

Structure 4 situated outside Enclosure 3, 7m to West of ditch. Linear slot c.8.5-9m long. 5 Anglo-Saxon sherds provide date for this structure. Two postholes in base of cut. Fragment of Middle Saxon iron pin. A few later sherds (date to c.1050-1175) considered to be intrusively derived from later field ditches and a buried soil which sealed the gully.

Buildings interpreted as large hall or barn buildings.

Various pottery types, shell-tempered ware (c.AD 750- 875); Fine sandy ware with shell (c.AD 750 -875); jar rim Sandy ware with sparse moderate shell (c.AD 700-800); Ipswich ware (c.AD 720-850).

Bone peg is now identified as a pin because of its polished shaft. 2 other iron pins, pair of complete copper tweezers, a set of iron keys, a spindle whorl, and burnt plant remains. (4)

<1> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1998, Wainscott Northern Bypass & Four Elms Roundabout: Post-Excavation assessment March 1998 (Unpublished document). SWX6731.

<2> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1998, Archaeological Work Along the Route of the Wainscott Northern By-pass and at Four Elms Roundabout 1992 - 1997: Stratigraphic Archive Report Part 1 (Unpublished document). SKE12122.

<3> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1998, Archaeological Work Along the Route of the Wainscott Northern By-pass and at Four Elms Roundabout 1992 - 1997: Stratigraphic Archive Report Part 2: Appendices & Figures (Unpublished document). SKE12121.

<4> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Post 1997, Archaeological work along the route of the Wainscott Northern By-pass and at Four Elms Roundabout 1992-7. (Unpublished document). SKE15616.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1998. Wainscott Northern Bypass & Four Elms Roundabout: Post-Excavation assessment March 1998.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1998. Archaeological Work Along the Route of the Wainscott Northern By-pass and at Four Elms Roundabout 1992 - 1997: Stratigraphic Archive Report Part 1.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1998. Archaeological Work Along the Route of the Wainscott Northern By-pass and at Four Elms Roundabout 1992 - 1997: Stratigraphic Archive Report Part 2: Appendices & Figures.
  • <4> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. Post 1997. Archaeological work along the route of the Wainscott Northern By-pass and at Four Elms Roundabout 1992-7..

Finds (8)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Excavation at Four Elms Roundabout, Wainscott By-Pass (EKE8436)

Record last edited

Mar 12 2009 2:17PM