Listed Building record TR 04 SE 53 - BARN ABOUT 20 METRES WEST


Grade II* listed building. Main construction periods 1633 to 1666 Barn at Naccolt Farm, mid 17th century


Grid reference TR 0650 4233 (point)
Map sheet TR04SE
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Description from record TR 04 SE 14 :
(TR06584230) Barn at Nackholt Farm (1) Barn. Mid 17th c. Red brick in Minster bond (a Garden wall bond variant) with plain tiled roof. South elevation with plinth, hipped 2 storey midstrey and boarded door with catslide outshot to left, with ventilation slits along whole elevation (and to return elevations) (Listed Grade II*) [Full archaeological description] (2)

The following text is from the original listed building designation:
4/52 Barn about 20 metres west (formerly 27.11.57 listed under the parish of Wye) GV
Barn. Mid C17. Red brick in Minster bond (a Garden wall bond variant) with plain tiled roof. South elevation with plinth, hipped 2 storey midstrey and boarded door with catslide outshot to left, with ventilation slits along whole elevation (and to return elevations). South elevation with continuous cat slide outshot and single storey hipped midstrey and 2 boarded doors. Interior: the building was intended for multi-purpose use; as a threshing barn with a threshing floor between the 2 midstreys (the disparity in height because the higher, laden carts came in one side, and passed out unladen and therefore lower at the other). The eastern end of the main barn area fitted out as 3 stables with newel stairs to hay loft over. Continuous outshot fitted out as cow houses, with storage area (with separate boarded door) in small southern outshot. Attic used also as hay loft and hay cutting loft, with shute to lower floors. Staggered purlin roof with queen struts. (See Traditional Kent Buildings, Vol. 5). Listing NGR: TR0678142380 (3)

<1> OS 1: 2500 (OS Card Reference). SKE48135.

<2> DOE (HHR) District of Ashford, 16 February 1989 (24) (OS Card Reference). SKE40472.

<3> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> OS Card Reference: OS 1: 2500.
  • <2> OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) District of Ashford, 16 February 1989 (24).
  • <3>XY Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #20946 listed building, ]

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Record last edited

Jun 25 2024 8:40AM