Grid reference | TR 06154 51017 (point) |
Map sheet | TR05SE |
County | KENT |
District | ASHFORD, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
description from record TR 05 SE 26:
(TR 06125100) Godmersham Park (NAT) (1) TR 05 SE Godmersham Godmersham Park 4/24 Godmersham Park 13.10.52 I House. 1732 for Thomas Brodnax-May-Knight, wings added c. 1780, south front remodelled 1852, and c. 1935 by Walter Sarel. Red brick and ashlar dressings and slate roof. North front: painted in C19, the bricks were turned round to expose unpainted surface c. 1935. 2 storeys and attic on ashlar plinth, with discontinuous plat band, modillion eaves cornice, parapet bearing urns, and hipped roof, with 2projecting hipped wings, 5 pedimented dormers, and 4 stacks regularly ranged left to right. Regular fenestration in 2-3-2 rhythm, all windows C20 glazing bar sashes. Recessed hall of 3 windows, square sashes to first floor, keyed oeil-de-boeuf mezzanine windows and 2 sash windows with cornice hoods on consoles on ground floor, flanking central double doors of 3 fielded panels each, with semi-circular fanlight and moulded arched surrounds. Attached Ionic columns support pediment above. Two projecting wings beyond of 2 windows, those on ground floor with pediments over. Flanking this main block are corridor wings, stepped down and recessed, of 1 window to each floor, that on ground floor with "Gibbs surround". Beyond, low wings of 2 storeys on plinth with plat band and hipped roof with 5 windows and gauged heads to each floor. South front: originally plainer than northfront, with bayed ends to projecting wings attic and pedimented portico, now of 2 storeys and garret and 4 stacks with ashlar plinth, plat band, cornice and balustraded parapet. Main block of recessed centre and projecting wings, 7 windows to each floor, the central recessed area (the Saloon) with French windows flanking blocked doorway with broken pediment enclosing cartouche supported on Ionic pilasters. The entrance is now by French doors in the left hand corridor wing. The wing to left now an orangery with 3 full height glazing-bar arched and keyed windows flanked by Doric pilasters. The wing to right has similar plinth, plat band, cornice and parapet with urns, but has 5 glazing bar sash windows to each floor. This front is as rebuilt c 1935. Interior: 2 original interiors of c. 1732 survive; the entrance hall, of 1 storey only the mezzanine oeil-de-boeuf windows echoed by medallions in the deep frieze, a fire place with pedimented plaster relief over to right faced to left by pedimented niche with shell-head alcove. Rectangular compartmented ceilings, the beams with stucco fruit and flowers. The other original interior is the drawing room with plaster work of musical instruments, fruit and flowers, and framed mirrors, all after the style of William Kent. (C. Hussey, C.L. Feb. 23. 1945, 334). All other interiors by Walter Sarel c. 1935, using many genuine C18 features brought in from various otherplaces. (Sevenoaks, London, Bath.). The orangery decorated by Felix Harbord. Subsidiary features: post and iron chain attached to obelisksbefore main north door. Brick wall running left off north front, 7' high stepped down at 3 stages, and terminating in gateway, with vermiculated and rusticated pier, supporting plinths, bearing coaded stone urns, signed Coade, London 1793. 2 similar urns at entrance to stable courtyard beyond, and to right, large keyed arched gateway with pediment over to kitchen courtyard. Stable ranges (now offices in part) C18 with C20 additions, of 1 storey red brick, plain tile roof, irreular fenestration. West, the walled gardens, 3 in all, with C17 and C18 walls in English and Flemish (chequered) bonds, an average 10' high, with round-arched doors, extending in 3 courtyards c. 150 yards north-south and c. 30 yards east-west, the most southerly a yew tree garden laid out by Norah Lindsay. The south front and west court fronted with raised stone flag pavement, the west court with lily pond, with wall-water spout, balustraded courtyard, and flights of steps, with full size statue of a stag, and large urn in niche on side of house. Statuary otherwised itemised separately. History: the house was owned from 1797-1852 by Edward Austen-Knight, brother of Jane Austen, a frequent and regular visitor, supposed to have written some of her works here, and to have used Godmersham and its denizens as prototype for Mansfield Park. See. C. Hussey, C.L. Feb. 16. 1945, 288-91, Feb. 23. 1945, 332-5, Mar. 2. 1945, 376-9. B.O.E. Kent II, 444
4/27 Fountain in Yew Court, Godmersham Park II Fountain. C18. Catchment bowl on stem with cartouches, and scalloped bowl over supported by central pillar of 4 sea monsters.
4/26 Statue of Neptune, swimming pool court. Godmersham Park GV II Statue of Neptune. Late C17, possibly Italian in a Berninesque style. Marble with metal trident. Fullsize figure of Neptune killing a sea monster on pedestal, plinth and base. TR 05 SE GODMERSHAM
4/25 sundial in Swimming Pool Court, Godmersham Park GV II
Sundial. C18. Stonebase and metal dial. Base a scalloped urn on octagonal plinth. The dial inscribed "Tyme brings everying" signed J. Marlow, London. TR 05 SE GODMERSHAM
4/22 Deer Park House 27.11.57 GV II House. C18. Red brick and plain tile roof. Two storeys and attic with dogtooth cornice to hiped roof and stracks to rear left and right. Regular fenestration of 2 glazing bar sash windows to each floor, those on ground floor tall and of 12 panes, all in gauged heads. Large wooden Doric portico, 4 columns, triglyph frieze, pediment, glazed light over double door behind 6-fielded panels and rectangular fanlight. TR 05 SE GODMERSHAM
4/21 Game Larder/Barn 20 yards north of Deer Park House GV II Deer House/game larder. C17, rebuilt C18. Flint, red brick, and plain tile roof. One storey and hipped roof. Irregular fenestration of wood casements. Attached to courtyard walls and remains of outbuildings of Deer Park House. Interior: part timber frame, apparently not structural, use unknown; large beam with game hooks. TR 05 SE GODMERSHAM
4/32 Garden Temple II Garden temple. C18, erected 1935. Marole plinth, wood and plaster columns, brick and stucco. Slate roof. Ionic portico of 4 columns supporting frieze with rosettes and central swag, with pediment over. An inner frieze on 2 pilasters with central carved medallion of mourning female figure and urn. Interior: polygonal room with 2 niches. The portico was originally the south entrance to the mansion house, removed here in 1935. (See C.L. Feb. 16 1954, 291 and B.O.E. Kent II, 333)
4/29 Temple at Temple Hill 27.11.57 II Summerhouse. Late C18. Wood columns, bricks, plaster. Doric portico on 3 steps with 4 columns supporting triglyph frieze with rosettes rams’ head in metopes, ornamented soffites and pediment over. Double panelled door flanked by fluted Doric pilasters and round arched window. Over the door an inscribed panel: D A.C. S A.Q. F.T. E.A. Q.E.T.C.
Interior: C20 plaster board with 2 niches. Said to be where Jane Austen wrote some of her works (see C.L. Feb 16. 1945, 291).
The following text is from the original listed building designation:
4/24 Godmersham Park, Courtyards, walled 13.10.52 gardens and gateways
House. 1732 for Thomas Brodnax-May-Knight, wings added c. 1780, south front remodelled 1852, and c. 1935 by Walter Sarel. Red brick and ashlar dressings and slate roof. North front: painted in C19, the bricks were turned round to expose unpainted surface c. 1935. 2 storeys and attic on ashlar plinth, with discontinuous plat band, modillion eaves cornice, parapet bearing urns, and hipped roof, with 2 projecting hipped wings, 5 pedimented dormers, and 4 stacks regularly ranged left to right. Regular fenestra- tion in 2-3-2 rhythm, all windows C20 glazing bar sashes. Recessed hall of 3 windows, square sashes to first floor, keyed oeil-de- boeuf mezzainine windows and 2 sash windows with cornice hoods on consoles on ground floor,flanking central double doors of 3 fielded panels each, with semi-circular fanlight and moulded arched surrounds. Attached Ionic columns support pediment above. Two projecting wings beyond of 2 windows, those on ground floor with pediments over. Flanking this main block are corridor wings, stepped down and recessed, of 1 window to each floor, that on ground floor with "Gibbs surround". Beyond, low wings of 2 storeys on plinth with plat band and hipped roof with 5 windows and gauged heads to each floor. South front: originally plainer than north front, with bayed ends to projecting wings attic and pedimented portico, now of 2 storeys and garret and 4 stacks with ashlar plinth, plat band, cornice and balustraded parapet. Main block of recessed centre and projecting wings, 7 windows to each floor, the central recessed area (the Saloon) with French windows flanking blocked doorway with broken pediment enclosing cartouche supported on Ionic pilasters. The entrance is now by French doors in the left hand corridor wing. The wing to left now an orangery with 3 full height glazing-bar arched and keyed windows flanked by Doric pilasters. The wing to right has similar plinth, plat band, cornice and parapet with urns, but has 5 glazing bar sash windows to each floor. This front is as rebuilt c 1935. Interior: 2 original interiors of c. 1732 survive; the entrance hall, of 1 storey only the mezzanine oeil-de-boeuf windows echoed by medallions in the deep frieze, a fire place with pedimented plaster relief over to right faced to left by pedimented niche with shell-head alcove. Rectangular compartmented ceilings, the beams with stucco fruit and flowers. The other original interior is the drawing room with, plaster work of musical instruments, fruit and flowers, and framed mirrors, all after the style of William Kent. (C. Hussey, C.L. Feb. 23. 1945, 334). All other interiors by Walter Sarel c. 1935, using many genuine C18 features brought in from various other places. (Sevenoaks, London, Bath). The orangery decorated by Felix Harbord. Subsidiary features: post and iron chain attached to obelisks before main north door. Brick wall running left off north front, 7' high, stepped down at 3 stages, and terminating in gateway, with vermiculated and rusticated piers, supporting plinths bearing coade stone urns, signed Coade, London 1793. 2 similar urns at entrance to stable courtyard beyond, and to right, large keyed arched gateway with pediment over to kitchen courtyard. Stable ranges (now offices in part) C18 with C20 additions, of 1 storey red brick, plain tile roof, irregular fenestration. West,the walled gardens, 3 in all, with C17 and C18 walls in English and Flemish (chequered) bonds, an average 10' high, with round-arched doors, extending in 3 court- yards c. 150 yards north-south and c. 30 yards east-west, the most southerly a Yew tree garden laid out by Norah Lindsay. The south front and west court fronted with raised stone flag pavement, the west court with lily pond, with wall-water spout, balustraded courtyard, and flights of steps, with full size statue of a stag, and large urn in niche on side of house. Statuary otherwised itemised separately. History: the house was owned from 1797 - 1852 by Edward Austen - Knight, brother of Jane Austen, a frequent and regular visitor, supposed to have written some of her works here, and to have used Godmersham and its denizens as prototype for Mansfield Park. See. C. Hussey, C.L. Feb 16. 1945, 288-91, Feb. 23. 1945, 332-5, Mar. 2. 1945, 376-9. B.O.E. Kent II, 333. Listing NGR: TR0615251016 (6)
Historic England archive material: BF008913 GODMERSHAM PARK HOUSE, GODMERSHAM File of material relating to a site or building. This material has not yet been fully catalogued. Copyright, date, and quantity information for this record may be incomplete or inaccurate.
<1> OS 1:10000 1975 (OS Card Reference). SKE48160.
<2> DOE(HHR) Boro of Ashford Kent Aug 1984 75-77 (OS Card Reference). SKE40815.
<3> Bldgs of Eng 1983 NE and E Kent 333 photo (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE37730.
<4> Particulars .. and Conditions of Sale of the Godmersham Park Estate, Messrs Knight Frank and Rutley (OS Card Reference). SKE48495.
<5> Godmersham Park Kent the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Tritton - 1945 (Husey, Christopher) (OS Card Reference). SKE43622.
<6> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.
Sources/Archives (6)
- <1> SKE48160 OS Card Reference: OS 1:10000 1975.
- <2> SKE40815 OS Card Reference: DOE(HHR) Boro of Ashford Kent Aug 1984 75-77.
- <3> SKE37730 OS Card Reference: Bldgs of Eng 1983 NE and E Kent 333 photo (J Newman).
- <4> SKE48495 OS Card Reference: Particulars .. and Conditions of Sale of the Godmersham Park Estate, Messrs Knight Frank and Rutley .
- <5> SKE43622 OS Card Reference: Godmersham Park Kent the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Tritton - 1945 (Husey, Christopher).
- <6>XY SKE16160 Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #21578 Listed building, ]
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Record last edited
Nov 17 2021 12:11PM