Listed Building record TR 15 NE 728 - ST JOHN'S BOARD SCHOOL


Grade II listed building. Main construction periods 1876 to 1876


Grid reference TR 1514 5832 (point)
Map sheet TR15NE


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

The following text is from the original listed building designation:
St John's Board School TR 1558 SW 3/665
2. Dated 1876. 2 storeys buff brick, Pedimented stone dressings, 3 round headed sashes. Stringcourse. Ground floor has 2 sashes and a doorcase set in a wide moulded architrave. 3 sashes on side elevation.
Listing NGR: TR1514358323

Historic building recording was carried out at the site in 2016. The report describes the building as a "two storied rectangular shaped building with a slate pitched roof and hipped to the rear... fronted by a classical facade topped by a brick built triangular pediment framed by a moulded stone raking cornice embellished on the pediment with a stone rectangular plaque carved with an inscription in capital letters ‘ St. JOHN’S BOARD SCHOOL 1876’.
The dimensions of the facade are 11.40m wide, 3.80m to the stringer course and 4.00m to the lower pediment course. The pediment is 3.20m high and 12.00m wide with the stone plaque 3.70m wide and 0.80m high. The frontage is built with buff bricks laid in a Flemish bond pattern with 46 courses to the white painted stone string course and 52 courses above. The facade is pierced in the upper storey by three recessed rounded original six over six sliding sash windows which measure 3.25m high and 1.55m wide and are topped by a arched soldier course of rubbed buff bricks.
The windows seem to have the original glass and the glazing bars are of ovolo moulded pine painted white. The lower two rectangular windows set either side of the main double-leafed door are 1.60m wide and 1.60m high. The windows are boarded up but the white painted stone architrave and cill can
still be seen.
The doorway is described in the (English Heritage) listing as ‘door case is set within a wide moulded architrave’ which... has not survived the test of time and is now a blue painted double timber door set into a white painted stone door case framed by two rectangular stone engaged columns without any carved decoration. The entrance is 2.30m wide centre to centre on the columns and 2.30m high whilst the two doors are 1.50m wide.
The sides of the building are built of Flemish bond brick with the upper storey defined by the stone stringer course with the same number of courses as seen on the frontage and bayed by four double height external brick-built buttresses about 0.60m wide and 7.25m high topped by a stone stringer
course set three courses down and the top of the buttress flaunched by concrete render.
Both sides of the building are pierced in the upper storey by three recessed rounded original six over six sliding sash windows which measure 3.25m high and 1.55m wide and are topped by an arched soldier course of rubbed buff bricks.
The lower storey is somewhat restricted in the recording by the Victorian building adjacent to the school but seemed to have six rectangular windows about 1.60m square with a stone cill and rubbed brick segmental arch.
The rear of the building was not accessible for recording.
The main hall has lost all of its internal fittings and what is left is a large double height space that is filled with light from the nine rounded sliding sash windows" (from the original report, 2).

English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

<2> Swale and Thames Archaeological Survey Company, 2017, Historic Building Recording Of St John’s Board School, St John’s Place, Canterbury, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE56745.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Swale and Thames Archaeological Survey Company. 2017. Historic Building Recording Of St John’s Board School, St John’s Place, Canterbury, Kent.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: Historic building recording of St John’s Board School, St John’s Place, Canterbury, 2016 (EKE23854)

Record last edited

Oct 2 2024 3:21PM