Listed Building record TR 15 NW 953 - POOR PRIESTS HOSPITAL
Grid reference | Centred TR 14725 57768 (45m by 42m) (18 map features) |
Map sheet | TR15NW |
County | KENT |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
Canterbury City Council Emergency Committee, 01/01/39, Canterbury City Council Emergency Committee Minute Books 1 to 6 (Unpublished document). SKE14763.
Crampton P., 01/01/95, Canterbury in the Late 1940s: The Buddleia Years (Bibliographic reference). SKE14764.
<1> OS 1/2500 1957 (OS Card Reference). SKE48127.
<2> MRH Eng & Wales 1953 261 (D Knowles & RN Hadcock) (OS Card Reference). SKE47435.
<3> Arch J 86 1930 108-10 plan (WH Godfrey) (OS Card Reference). SKE36725.
<4> MHLG (944/11/A Mar 1962) 56 (OS Card Reference). SKE47045.
<5> AM Eng & Wales 1961 59 (OS Card Reference). SKE33010.
<6> F1 FGA 01-FEB-65 (OS Card Reference). SKE42878.
<7> Arch Cant 96 1980 399-402 (P Bennett) (OS Card Reference). SKE36266.
<8> Arch Cant 97 1981 276-279 (P Bennett) (OS Card Reference). SKE36284.
<9> Arch Cant 98 1982 216-220 plan (P Bennett) (OS Card Reference). SKE36310.
<10> Medieval Archaeol 27 1983 188-189 plan (SM Youngs, J Clark and TB Barry) (OS Card Reference). SKE46849.
<11> Arch J 126 1969 237 (WG Urry) (OS Card Reference). SKE36545.
<12> MRH Eng and Wales 1971 317 350 (D Knowles and RN Hadcock) (OS Card Reference). SKE47443.
<13> CAT Ann Rep 3 1978-9 20 (T Tatton-Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE38669.
<14> CAT Ann Rep 4 1979-80 32 (T Tatton-Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE38670.
<15> CAT Ann Rep 5 1980-1 15 (T Tatton-Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE38672.
<16> CAT Ann Rep 6 1981-2 (T Tatton-Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE38678.
<17> CAT Ann Rep 7 1982-3 30 (T Tatton-Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE38685.
<18> DOE (HHR) City of Canterbury Kent 1973 265 (OS Card Reference). SKE39973.
<19> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, Pers Comm EH to KCC 26.2.97 (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.
<20> Gostling, W., 1796, A Walk in and About the Ancient City of Canterbury (Monograph). SKE29741.
<21> Hasted, E, 1799, The History of the Ancient and Metropolitical City of Canterbury. Vol 1. Canterbury (Article in monograph). SKE29735.
<22> Somner, W., 1703, The Antiquities of Canterbury (Article in monograph). SKE29736.
<23> Bennet, P., 1980, The Poor Priests Hospital (Article in serial). SKE29742.
<24> Bennet, P., 1982, The Poor Priests Hospital - The Solar Undercroft (Article in serial). SKE29743.
<25> Detsicas, A. P., 1981, Collectanea Historica. Essays in Memory of Sturt Rigold. Edited by Alec Detsicas (Monograph). SKE29745.
<26> Urry, W., 1967, Canterbury under the Angevin Kings (Monograph). SKE28529.
<27> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.
Sources/Archives (29)
- --- SKE14763 Unpublished document: Canterbury City Council Emergency Committee. 01/01/39. Canterbury City Council Emergency Committee Minute Books 1 to 6.
- --- SKE14764 Bibliographic reference: Crampton P.. 01/01/95. Canterbury in the Late 1940s: The Buddleia Years.
- <1> SKE48127 OS Card Reference: OS 1/2500 1957.
- <2> SKE47435 OS Card Reference: MRH Eng & Wales 1953 261 (D Knowles & RN Hadcock).
- <3> SKE36725 OS Card Reference: Arch J 86 1930 108-10 plan (WH Godfrey).
- <4> SKE47045 OS Card Reference: MHLG (944/11/A Mar 1962) 56.
- <5> SKE33010 OS Card Reference: AM Eng & Wales 1961 59.
- <6> SKE42878 OS Card Reference: F1 FGA 01-FEB-65.
- <7> SKE36266 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 96 1980 399-402 (P Bennett).
- <8> SKE36284 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 97 1981 276-279 (P Bennett).
- <9> SKE36310 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 98 1982 216-220 plan (P Bennett).
- <10> SKE46849 OS Card Reference: Medieval Archaeol 27 1983 188-189 plan (SM Youngs, J Clark and TB Barry).
- <11> SKE36545 OS Card Reference: Arch J 126 1969 237 (WG Urry).
- <12> SKE47443 OS Card Reference: MRH Eng and Wales 1971 317 350 (D Knowles and RN Hadcock).
- <13> SKE38669 OS Card Reference: CAT Ann Rep 3 1978-9 20 (T Tatton-Brown).
- <14> SKE38670 OS Card Reference: CAT Ann Rep 4 1979-80 32 (T Tatton-Brown).
- <15> SKE38672 OS Card Reference: CAT Ann Rep 5 1980-1 15 (T Tatton-Brown).
- <16> SKE38678 OS Card Reference: CAT Ann Rep 6 1981-2 (T Tatton-Brown).
- <17> SKE38685 OS Card Reference: CAT Ann Rep 7 1982-3 30 (T Tatton-Brown).
- <18> SKE39973 OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) City of Canterbury Kent 1973 265.
- <19> SKE6440 Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. Pers Comm EH to KCC 26.2.97.
- <20> SKE29741 Monograph: Gostling, W.. 1796. A Walk in and About the Ancient City of Canterbury.
- <21> SKE29735 Article in monograph: Hasted, E. 1799. The History of the Ancient and Metropolitical City of Canterbury. Vol 1. Canterbury.
- <22> SKE29736 Article in monograph: Somner, W.. 1703. The Antiquities of Canterbury.
- <23> SKE29742 Article in serial: Bennet, P.. 1980. The Poor Priests Hospital.
- <24> SKE29743 Article in serial: Bennet, P.. 1982. The Poor Priests Hospital - The Solar Undercroft.
- <25> SKE29745 Monograph: Detsicas, A. P.. 1981. Collectanea Historica. Essays in Memory of Sturt Rigold. Edited by Alec Detsicas.
- <26> SKE28529 Monograph: Urry, W.. 1967. Canterbury under the Angevin Kings.
- <27>XY SKE16160 Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #328 listed building, ]
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (8)
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- Intrusive Event: Poor Priest's Hospital (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13465)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Poor Priest's Hospital, Service Wing (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13469)
- Intrusive Event: Poor Priest's Hospital, Stour Street (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13463)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Poor Priest's Hospital, Stour Street (Ref: CAT: 238) (EKE13468)
- Intrusive Event: POOR PRIESTS' HOSPITAL,STOUR STREET (Ref: EI 15441) (EKE4291)
- Intrusive Event: POOR PRIESTS' HOSPITAL,STOUR STREET (Ref: EI 15442) (EKE4765)
Record last edited
Feb 1 2022 4:47PM