Listed Building record TR 34 SW 739 - THE ROMAN PHAROS
Grid reference | Centred TR 32604 41815 (12m by 12m) (3 map features) |
Map sheet | TR34SW |
County | KENT |
District | DOVER, KENT |
Civil Parish | DOVER, DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
<1> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.
<2> R. E. M Wheeler, 1930, Archaeological Journal: The Roman Lighthouses at Dover (Article in serial). SKE52157.
<3> E. H. Bayly, 1962, KAS Annual Report 1962: Activities around Dover, Arch Cant 77 1962 xlviii (EH Bayly) (Article in serial). SKE7873.
<4> Johnathan Coad, 1995, English Heritage Book of Dover Castle and the Defences of Dover (Monograph). SKE52106.
<5> DOE (HHR) Dist of Dover 1973 5 (OS Card Reference). SKE40242.
<6> Philp, B. J., 1981, The Excavation of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970-1977, Ex of the Ro Forts of the Class Brit at Dover 1970-1977 1981 7-9 (B Philp) (Monograph). SKE7863.
<7> Arch 45 1880 333-35 (W Emerson Peck) (OS Card Reference). SKE34423.
<8> Lighthouses Their Archit History and Archaeology (OS Card Reference). SKE46132.
<9> R. C. Neville J Hunter, 1856, Unknown, Arch J 13 1856 84 98-99 (RC Neville J Hunter) (Article in serial). SKE7870.
<10> Johnston, S., 1976, Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore, The Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1976 11 12 (S Johnson) (Monograph). SKE7857.
<11> John Newman, 1969, The Buildings of England: North East and East Kent, The Bldg of Eng NE and E Kent 1983 289-90 (J Newman) (Monograph). SKE7874.
<12> The Ind Arch of SE Eng 1978 37 (AJ Haselfoot) (OS Card Reference). SKE50368.
<13> Coll Ant 4 1857 214 (OS Card Reference). SKE39102.
<14> Alan Phillip, 1964, Field report for monument TR 34 SW 3 - May, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5952.
<15> English Heritage, 1965, Dover Castle (Scheduling record). SKE6594.
<16> K. Gravett, 1963, ARCH AT GROUND LEVEL Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE523.
<17> ARCHES ON WEST FACE Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE519.
<18> BASE OF PHAROS Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE87.
<19> VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE86.
<20> DOOR OF PHAROS Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE88.
<22> VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE520.
<23> VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE85.
<26> DETAIL OF ARCH Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE521.
<27> J. Physick, VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE106.
<28> K. Gravett, 1963, VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE522.
<29> K. Gravett, 1963, VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE526.
<30> M. T Pollit, VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE524.
<31> 1963, VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE525.
<32> K Gravett, 1963, VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE (Photograph). SKE527.
<33> Allen Brown, R, 1988, Dover Castle (Monograph). SKE7865.
<34> Jonathan Coad, 2001, Dover Castle (Monograph). SKE7872.
<36> Historic England, Archive material associated with St Mary's Church and the Pharos at Dover Castle, part of the Scheduled Monument (Archive). SKE55361.
Sources/Archives (35)
- <1>XY SKE16160 Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #26298 Roman Lighthouse, ]
- <2> SKE52157 Article in serial: R. E. M Wheeler. 1930. Archaeological Journal: The Roman Lighthouses at Dover. Vol 86 pp 29-46.
- <3> SKE7873 Article in serial: E. H. Bayly. 1962. KAS Annual Report 1962: Activities around Dover. 1962 pp 48. Arch Cant 77 1962 xlviii (EH Bayly).
- <4> SKE52106 Monograph: Johnathan Coad. 1995. English Heritage Book of Dover Castle and the Defences of Dover.
- <5> SKE40242 OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) Dist of Dover 1973 5.
- <6> SKE7863 Monograph: Philp, B. J.. 1981. The Excavation of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970-1977. Ex of the Ro Forts of the Class Brit at Dover 1970-1977 1981 7-9 (B Philp).
- <7> SKE34423 OS Card Reference: Arch 45 1880 333-35 (W Emerson Peck).
- <8> SKE46132 OS Card Reference: Lighthouses Their Archit History and Archaeology.
- <9> SKE7870 Article in serial: R. C. Neville J Hunter. 1856. Unknown. Arch J 13 1856 84 98-99 (RC Neville J Hunter).
- <10> SKE7857 Monograph: Johnston, S.. 1976. Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore. The Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1976 11 12 (S Johnson).
- <11> SKE7874 Monograph: John Newman. 1969. The Buildings of England: North East and East Kent. The Bldg of Eng NE and E Kent 1983 289-90 (J Newman).
- <12> SKE50368 OS Card Reference: The Ind Arch of SE Eng 1978 37 (AJ Haselfoot).
- <13> SKE39102 OS Card Reference: Coll Ant 4 1857 214.
- <14> SKE5952 Bibliographic reference: Alan Phillip. 1964. Field report for monument TR 34 SW 3 - May, 1964.
- <15> SKE6594 Scheduling record: English Heritage. 1965. Dover Castle.
- <16> SKE523 Photograph: K. Gravett. 1963. ARCH AT GROUND LEVEL Types: LIGHTHOUSE. P29066. Black and White. Print.
- <17> SKE519 Photograph: ARCHES ON WEST FACE Types: LIGHTHOUSE. P29062. Black and White. Print.
- <18> SKE87 Photograph: BASE OF PHAROS Types: LIGHTHOUSE. AA48/08417. Black and White. Negative.
- <19> SKE86 Photograph: VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE. AA48/08416. Black and White. Negative.
- <20> SKE88 Photograph: DOOR OF PHAROS Types: LIGHTHOUSE. AA48/08418. Black and White. Negative.
- <21> SKE89 Photograph: INTERIOR OF ?1ST CENT. LIGHTHOUSE. AA48/08419. Black and White. Negative.
- <22> SKE520 Photograph: VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE. P29063. Black and White. Print.
- <23> SKE85 Photograph: VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE. AA48/08415. Black and White. Negative.
- <24> SKE84 Photograph: NORTH WEST ANGLE OF CHURCH AND PHAROS Types: LIGHTHOUSE/CHURCH. AA48/08414. Black and White. Negative.
- <25> SKE83 Photograph: SOUTH WEST ANGLE OF CHURCH AND PHAROS Types: LIGHTHOUSE/CHURCH. AA48/08413. Black and White. Negative.
- <26> SKE521 Photograph: DETAIL OF ARCH Types: LIGHTHOUSE. P29064. Black and White. Print.
- <27> SKE106 Photograph: J. Physick. VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE. AA67/00160. Black and White. Negative.
- <28> SKE522 Photograph: K. Gravett. 1963. VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE. P29065. Black and White. Print.
- <29> SKE526 Photograph: K. Gravett. 1963. VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE. P29069. Black and White. Print.
- <30> SKE524 Photograph: M. T Pollit. VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE. P29067. Black and White. Print.
- <31> SKE525 Photograph: 1963. VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE. P29068. Black and White. Print.
- <32> SKE527 Photograph: K Gravett. 1963. VIEW Types: LIGHTHOUSE. P29070. Black and White. Print.
- <33> SKE7865 Monograph: Allen Brown, R. 1988. Dover Castle.
- <34> SKE7872 Monograph: Jonathan Coad. 2001. Dover Castle.
- <36> SKE55361 Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with St Mary's Church and the Pharos at Dover Castle, part of the Scheduled Monument.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Event Boundary: Castle Hill Earthwork (Ref: EI 15390) (EKE4266)
- Intrusive Event: Castle Hill Earthwork (Ref: EI 15390) (EKE19221)
Related Thematic Articles (2)
Record last edited
Mar 16 2023 1:00PM