Listed Building record TQ 66 NE 155 - COBHAM COLLEGE
Grid reference | TQ 6696 6834 (point) |
Map sheet | TQ66NE |
County | KENT |
District | GRAVESHAM, KENT |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
<1> OS 6" 1939 (OS Card Reference). SKE48359.
<2> Biblio Topo Brit vol 1 No VI pt 1 1780-90 3-11 (OS Card Reference). SKE37651.
<3> VCH Kent Vol 2 1926 231 (OS Card Reference). SKE51207.
<4> Md Rel Houses Eng & Wales 328 (Knowles & Hadcock) (OS Card Reference). SKE46687.
<5> Arch Cant vol 27 1905 64-109 Illust (OS Card Reference). SKE36389.
<6> Country Life vol 95 Jan-Apl 1944 244-7 (C Hussey) (OS Card Reference). SKE39471.
<7> F1 CFW 07.07.59 (OS Card Reference). SKE42458.
<8> The New College of Cobham in the Co of Kent (pamphlet) June 1958 (OS Card Reference). SKE50445.
<9> F2 CFW 31.08.59 (OS Card Reference). SKE43293.
<10> Arch Cant 79 1964 109-20 plan plates (PJ Tester) (OS Card Reference). SKE35655.
<11> DOE(HHR)Dist of Strood RD Kent May 1960 6 (OS Card Reference). SKE41358.
<12> DOE(HHR)Bor of Gravesham 1983 8 9 (OS Card Reference). SKE41224.
<13> Med Arch 8 1964 242 (DM Wilson and DG Hurst) (OS Card Reference). SKE46770.
<14> Field report for monument TQ 66 NE 6 - July, 1959 (Bibliographic reference). SKE3495.
<15> Field report for monument TQ 66 NE 6 - August, 1959 (Bibliographic reference). SKE3496.
<16> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1992, Cobham College Gardens, Stonehouse Yard, Cobham (Unpublished document). SKE6752.
<17> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2002, An Historical Building Record of the Roofs Covering the North, South and West Ranges of New College (Unpublished document). SKE8249.
<18> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.
<19> Historic England, Archive material associated with Cobham College, Listed Building (Archive). SKE53866.
Sources/Archives (19)
- <1> SKE48359 OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1939.
- <2> SKE37651 OS Card Reference: Biblio Topo Brit vol 1 No VI pt 1 1780-90 3-11.
- <3> SKE51207 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent Vol 2 1926 231.
- <4> SKE46687 OS Card Reference: Md Rel Houses Eng & Wales 328 (Knowles & Hadcock).
- <5> SKE36389 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant vol 27 1905 64-109 Illust.
- <6> SKE39471 OS Card Reference: Country Life vol 95 Jan-Apl 1944 244-7 (C Hussey).
- <7> SKE42458 OS Card Reference: F1 CFW 07.07.59.
- <8> SKE50445 OS Card Reference: The New College of Cobham in the Co of Kent (pamphlet) June 1958.
- <9> SKE43293 OS Card Reference: F2 CFW 31.08.59.
- <10> SKE35655 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 79 1964 109-20 plan plates (PJ Tester).
- <11> SKE41358 OS Card Reference: DOE(HHR)Dist of Strood RD Kent May 1960 6.
- <12> SKE41224 OS Card Reference: DOE(HHR)Bor of Gravesham 1983 8 9.
- <13> SKE46770 OS Card Reference: Med Arch 8 1964 242 (DM Wilson and DG Hurst).
- <14> SKE3495 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 66 NE 6 - July, 1959.
- <15> SKE3496 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 66 NE 6 - August, 1959.
- <16> SKE6752 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1992. Cobham College Gardens, Stonehouse Yard, Cobham.
- <17> SKE8249 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2002. An Historical Building Record of the Roofs Covering the North, South and West Ranges of New College.
- <18>XY SKE16160 Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #27132 Almshouses, ]
- <19> SKE53866 Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Cobham College, Listed Building.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (3)
- Intrusive Event: CHANTRY COLLEGE (Ref: EI 14859) (EKE3876)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at Cobham College Gardens, Stonehouse Yard, Cobham (EKE4984)
- Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at New College, Cobham (Ref: BRNCC-01) (EKE5991)
Record last edited
Jun 15 2021 3:26PM