Listed Building record TQ 76 NE 1216 - ST BARTHOLOMEWS CHAPEL
Grid reference | TQ 75249 67892 (point) |
Map sheet | TQ76NE |
County | KENT |
Unitary Authority | MEDWAY |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
<01> O.S. 1/500 1866. (OS Card Reference). SKE47784.
<02> V.C.H. Kent, 2, 1926, 216-17 (R.C. Fowler) (OS Card Reference). SKE50758.
<03> "Med. Rel. Houses, England & Wales" 1953, 263 (Knowles & Hadcock) (OS Card Reference). SKE32672.
<04> M.H.L.G. 958/11/A, March 1951) 4 (OS Card Reference). SKE46257.
<05> F1 CFW 03-NOV-64 (OS Card Reference). SKE42406.
<06> DOE (HHR) Borough of Chatham 1971 1 (OS Card Reference). SKE39903.
<07> Arch Cant 29 1911 260 (A Hussey) (OS Card Reference). SKE34963.
<08> Arch Cant 60 1947 16-17 (FC Elliston Erwood) (OS Card Reference). SKE35315.
<09> Hayes, J. P., Williams, D. E. and Payne, P. R., 1983, Report of an excavation in the grounds of St Bartholomew's Chapel, Chatham (Article in serial). SWX7544.
<10> Med Rel Houses Eng and Wales 1971 351 (D Knowles and RN Hadcock) (OS Card Reference). SKE46798.
<11> JBAA 11 1855 29-31 (TJ Pettigrew) (OS Card Reference). SKE44861.
<12> Bldgs of Eng West Kent and the Weald 1980 202 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE38044.
<13> The Antiquary IV 80 1873 134 146 (OS Card Reference). SKE49951.
<14> Tanners Notitia Monastica 1787 Kent XIII (Naismith) (OS Card Reference). SKE49810.
<15> Trans RHS 3 5 6 1912 156 (OS Card Reference). SKE50661.
<16> Long Ago V 1 1873 312 (OS Card Reference). SKE46178.
<17> Field report for monument TQ 76 NE 2 - November, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4027.
<18> RCHME, 1993, Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England: Compilation of Kent Hospitals Record Sheets, nbr 101365 (Unpublished document). SKE6841.
<19> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.
Sources/Archives (19)
- <01> SKE47784 OS Card Reference: O.S. 1/500 1866..
- <02> SKE50758 OS Card Reference: V.C.H. Kent, 2, 1926, 216-17 (R.C. Fowler).
- <03> SKE32672 OS Card Reference: "Med. Rel. Houses, England & Wales" 1953, 263 (Knowles & Hadcock).
- <04> SKE46257 OS Card Reference: M.H.L.G. 958/11/A, March 1951) 4.
- <05> SKE42406 OS Card Reference: F1 CFW 03-NOV-64.
- <06> SKE39903 OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) Borough of Chatham 1971 1.
- <07> SKE34963 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 29 1911 260 (A Hussey).
- <08> SKE35315 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 60 1947 16-17 (FC Elliston Erwood).
- <09> SWX7544 Article in serial: Hayes, J. P., Williams, D. E. and Payne, P. R.. 1983. Report of an excavation in the grounds of St Bartholomew's Chapel, Chatham. 98, pages 177-89.
- <10> SKE46798 OS Card Reference: Med Rel Houses Eng and Wales 1971 351 (D Knowles and RN Hadcock).
- <11> SKE44861 OS Card Reference: JBAA 11 1855 29-31 (TJ Pettigrew).
- <12> SKE38044 OS Card Reference: Bldgs of Eng West Kent and the Weald 1980 202 (J Newman).
- <13> SKE49951 OS Card Reference: The Antiquary IV 80 1873 134 146.
- <14> SKE49810 OS Card Reference: Tanners Notitia Monastica 1787 Kent XIII (Naismith).
- <15> SKE50661 OS Card Reference: Trans RHS 3 5 6 1912 156.
- <16> SKE46178 OS Card Reference: Long Ago V 1 1873 312.
- <17> SKE4027 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 76 NE 2 - November, 1964.
- <18> SKE6841 Unpublished document: RCHME. 1993. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England: Compilation of Kent Hospitals Record Sheets. nbr 101365.
- <19>XY SKE16160 Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #29775 listed building, ]
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Intrusive Event: ST BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL (Ref: EI 15244) (EKE4156)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Survey of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Rochester (Ref: nbr:101365) (EKE8271)
Record last edited
Jul 20 2021 11:56AM