Listed Building record TQ 66 SW 113 - CHURCH OF ST MARY, Stansted


Grade II* listed building. Main construction periods 1380 to 1899 14thc Church, much restored. Church. Completely rebuilt circa 1400, restored in 19th century. Coursed rubble stone. Plain tiled roofs. West tower, nave with north aisle, chancel.


Grid reference TQ 6073 6212 (point)
Map sheet TQ66SW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

<1> OS 6" 1961 (OS Card Reference). SKE48369.

<2> M.H.L.G (2227/11/A May 1950) 94 (OS Card Reference). SKE46228.

<3> F1 CFW 27-AUG-59 (OS Card Reference). SKE42779.

<4> DOE (HHR) Dist of Tonbridge & Malling Kent 1984 15 (OS Card Reference). SKE40376.

<5> Bldgs of Eng W Kent & the Weald 1980 543-544 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE37916.

<6> Field report for monument TQ 66 SW 6 - August, 1959 (Bibliographic reference). SKE3577.

<7> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2013, Archaeological Evaluation at St Mary the Virgin’s Church, Tumblefield Road, Stansted , Kent (Unpublished document). SKE31105.

<8> Archaeology South-East, 2015, St Mary's Church, Stansted, Kent, Historic Building Record and watching brief (Unpublished document). SKE32073.

<9> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

Sources/Archives (9)

  • <1> OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1961.
  • <2> OS Card Reference: M.H.L.G (2227/11/A May 1950) 94.
  • <3> OS Card Reference: F1 CFW 27-AUG-59.
  • <4> OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) Dist of Tonbridge & Malling Kent 1984 15.
  • <5> OS Card Reference: Bldgs of Eng W Kent & the Weald 1980 543-544 (J Newman).
  • <6> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 66 SW 6 - August, 1959.
  • <7> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2013. Archaeological Evaluation at St Mary the Virgin’s Church, Tumblefield Road, Stansted , Kent.
  • <8> Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 2015. St Mary's Church, Stansted, Kent, Historic Building Record and watching brief.
  • <9>XY Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #36127 Church, ]

Finds (4)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (3)

  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Evaluation at St Mary the Virgin’s Church, Tumblefield Road, Stansted , Kent (Ref: CAT Archive No: 3343) (EKE14509)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: St Mary's Church, Stansted, Kent, Historic Building Record and watching brief (Ref: 2014205) (EKE15869)
  • Intrusive Event: St Mary's Church, Stansted, Kent, Historic Building Record and watching brief (Ref: 2014205) (EKE15870)

Record last edited

Jun 17 2021 3:51PM