Listed Building record TQ 63 NE 55 - COGGERS HALL
Grid reference | TQ 67629 36322 (point) |
Map sheet | TQ63NE |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
The following text is from the original listed building designation:
LAMBERHURST SCHOOL HILL TQ 6636-6736 (west side) 8/220 Coggers Hall 20.10.54 GV II*
House. Mid-late C16. Timber framed and exposed close studding with plaster infill and with plain tiled roof. Continuous jettied house of four framed bays. Two storeys and garret with moulded bresumner to jetty and gabled roof with small central moulded stack, large moulded cluster at end left and freestanding and offset stone stack at end right with 3 moulded round brick flues. Four leaded cross windows on first floor and several blocked mullioned openings, and 3 cross windows on ground floor with small leaded light to end left and with 20-panelled rib and stud door in moulded surround with rectangular fanlight. Recorded interior features include mid- rail panelled partition walls, chamfered cross-beamed ceilings, stone fireplaces with label hoods and wainscotting. Built or rebuilt for the Thomas family, wealthy iron masters settled here late C16. Listing NGR: TQ6762936322 (1)
Description from record TQ 63 NE 6 :
(TQ 67633632) Coggers Hall (NAT) (2) I1* Coggers Hall School Hill (West side) *Restored 15th century or early 16th century framed structure. Elevations with exposed framing and vertical half-timbering with plaster infilling. Continuous first floor overhang with moulded bressummer supported on exposed timber joists and brackets. Two storeys. Eaves and gutter. Ridge tile roof. Small centre ridge stack. Projecting end chimney to right of coursed local ashlar stone surmounted by carved red brick Tudor stacks. Large end ridge stack to left with vertical brick string course. Ground floor with wide share panelled door in frame with moulded shafts. Rectangular lattice window over door lighting interior hall. 3 mullioned and transomed lattice casements. Small tripartite lattice casement to extreme left. First floor with 4 mullioned and transomed lattice casements. (3) Coggers Hall; the best old house in the village street, a long, close-studded front, much restored, jettied the whole way across, ie. built in the 16th century when a hall open to the roof had become obsolete. (4)
<1> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.
<2> OS 1:2500 1972 (OS Card Reference). SKE48214.
<3> MHLG 2433/11/A Tonbridge RD Kent Sept 1949 101-102 (OS Card Reference). SKE47097.
<4> Bldgs of Eng W Kent & the Weald 1980 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE37841.
Sources/Archives (4)
- <1>XY SKE16160 Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #38382 building, ]
- <2> SKE48214 OS Card Reference: OS 1:2500 1972.
- <3> SKE47097 OS Card Reference: MHLG 2433/11/A Tonbridge RD Kent Sept 1949 101-102.
- <4> SKE37841 OS Card Reference: Bldgs of Eng W Kent & the Weald 1980 (J Newman).
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Record last edited
May 26 2021 4:44PM