Monument record TQ 56 NE 27 - Romano-British Settlement


Cropmarks/soilmarks of a Roman rectilinear enclosure, partially visible, damaged by pipeline and of a rounded corner of a Roman rectangular enclosure with a well defined pit cluster to south. Roman pottery and tile were found in the pipe trench. Possibly the site of a Roman farmstead of 1st-2nd century AD date.


Grid reference TQ 5614 6682 (point) FCE
Map sheet TQ56NE
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

TQ 56156682. A Romano British Site near Eglantine Lane, Farningham was discovered during 'Operation Gaspipe East' in November 1969. The site lies across two fields, OS parcel 0083, 230 ft from the north hedge along the dividing wire fence. The pipe trench running south-east to north-west, cut through three features which were filled with brown loam and chalk rubble. The first a pit or ditch 39 ft eastof the fence contained a fragment of Roman tile; the second, a large pit 105-129 ft west of the fence contained Roman roof-tile, three sherds of Patch Grove ware; a rim of a 2nd century vessel and several small animal bones. The third, a small pit 141 ft west of the fence, contained a small chip of Roman samian ware of 1st century date. It is difficult to say much about the extent and nature of this site. The presence of Roman tile and pottery precludes a pre Roman date but it need not preclude a post-Roman date. On this admittedly slender evidence, however, it seems likely that the site may heve been that of a Romano British hilltop farmstead of 1st or 2nd century date. Air surveys have failed to reveal any further clues. (1) TQ 56126681. Farningham. Cropmark or soilmark of Roman rectilinear enclosure, partially visible, damaged by pipeline. TQ 56186686. Farningham. Cropmark of rounded corner of Roman rectangular enclosure: well defined pit cluster to south. (2,3,4) Additional bibliography. (5)

<1> Excavations in W Kent 1960-70 1973 112 (B Philp) (OS Card Reference). SKE41694.

<2> AP (NMR TQ 5666/48; 5 4 77) (OS Card Reference). SKE33579.

<3> AP (NMR TQ 5666/37; 25 2 76) (OS Card Reference). SKE33576.

<4> AP (NMR TQ 5666/25; 2 5 75) (OS Card Reference). SKE33574.

<5> KAR 20 1970 21 (B Philp) (OS Card Reference). SKE45257.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <1> OS Card Reference: Excavations in W Kent 1960-70 1973 112 (B Philp).
  • <2> OS Card Reference: AP (NMR TQ 5666/48; 5 4 77).
  • <3> OS Card Reference: AP (NMR TQ 5666/37; 25 2 76).
  • <4>XY OS Card Reference: AP (NMR TQ 5666/25; 2 5 75). [Mapped feature: #43475 Cropmark, ]
  • <5> OS Card Reference: KAR 20 1970 21 (B Philp).

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: RCHME: Kent Mapping Project (EKE20439)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief, Eglantine Lane, 1969 (EKE21029)

Record last edited

Oct 27 2021 10:31AM