It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument record TQ 56 NE 28 - Roman settlement, 480m north of Franks Hall Roman villa, Farningham
A Romano-British site near Calfstock Lane, Farningham was discovered during 'Operation Gaspipe East' in 1969. The site lies about half a mile north-east of the parish in the north-west corner ofan open field (OS parcel 0665) about half way up the west slope of the Drent Valley. The centre of the site is about 113 ft from the west hedge and just 40ft from the north hedge at a point where the bottom end of a private garden projects into the field. The pipe trench, running south-east to north-west, cut through four features. The first feature was an irregular pit about 4ft wide and 5ft deep containing a very loose filling of brown loam and chalk rubble, but no finds. The second feature was a U-shaped ditch about 7 ft wide and 3 ft deep with steep sides and a flat bottom about 2.5 ft wide. The primarly filling of chalk rubble contained three vessels, two burnished pots and the base of a large shell-loaded cooking pot, all of mid 1st century date. The above two sterile layers reduced the ditch to a shallow hollow into which had been tipped a layer of fine black loam, containing domestic rubbish including oyster shells, native and imported pottery and two brooches, one of 1st century date and one to approx Conquest date. The pottery dates from about AD 50-100. The third feature was another small ditch or pit with steep sides and a flat base. This contained more than 200 pieces of pottery. The fourth feature, the north edge of a pit at least 8 ft wide and deeper than 1 ft 6 ins produced no finds. In the absence of evidence to the contrary it seems likely that this site was that of yet another farmstead on the Eastwood scale (See TQ 56 NE 27). The ditches probably formed part of an enclosure which defined the living area and the total absence of building materials suggests timber framed structures. From the available evidence it seems likely that this site was occupied for about two generations.
Grid reference | TQ 5504 6775 (point) FCE |
Map sheet | TQ56NE |
County | KENT |
District | SEVENOAKS, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
<1> Excav in W Kent 1960-70 1973 113-117 illus (B Philp) (OS Card Reference). SKE41681.
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1>XY SKE41681 OS Card Reference: Excav in W Kent 1960-70 1973 113-117 illus (B Philp). [Mapped feature: #43486 settlement, ]
Finds (2)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
- Intrusive Event: NR CALFSTOCK LANE (Ref: EI 36231) (EKE4801)
Record last edited
Apr 13 2021 2:48PM