Monument record TR 34 SW 31 - Church of the Knights Templar
Grid reference | TR 3128 4071 (point) FCE |
Map sheet | TR34SW |
County | KENT |
District | DOVER, KENT |
Civil Parish | DOVER, DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
<1> OS 25" 1957 (OS Card Reference). SKE48272.
<2> Md Rel Houses Eng and Wales 1953 235 (Knowles and Hadcock) (OS Card Reference). SKE46689.
<3> Arch Cant 11 1877 45-6 (plan) (OS Card Reference). SKE34650.
<4> Arch J 13 1856 85 (W.Clayton) (OS Card Reference). SKE36575.
<5> Arch J 86 1930 40 (REM Wheeler) (OS Card Reference). SKE36744.
<6> AM Eng and Wales 1961 59 (OS Card Reference). SKE33015.
<7> F1 ASP 22-MAY-64 (OS Card Reference). SKE42239.
<8> Md Rel Houses Eng and Wales 1971 293 (D Knowles and R N Hadcock) (OS Card Reference). SKE46694.
<9> Bygone Kent 1892 85 (R Stead) (OS Card Reference). SKE38447.
<10> Field report for monument TR 34 SW 31 - May, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5979.
<11> CAT Annual Report, 1994-5. (OS Card Reference). SKE38716.
<11> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, CAT annual report, 1994-5. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.
<12> Historic England, National Heritage List for England (Index). SKE29372.
<13> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2014, Report on an archaeological watching brief Dover Western Heights Scheduled Ancient Monument (No. 1020298) (Unpublished document). SKE31575.
<14> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2008, Dover Western Heights, Water Upgrade, 2007-8, Watching-brief Report (Unpublished document). SKE16844.
<15> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1990, Dover Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks: An Interim Archaeological Assessment Preparatory to Evaluation (Unpublished document). SKE6727.
<16> Historic England, Archive material associated with Knights Templar Church, Dover, Scheduled Monument (Archive). SKE55365.
Sources/Archives (17)
- <1> SKE48272 OS Card Reference: OS 25" 1957.
- <2> SKE46689 OS Card Reference: Md Rel Houses Eng and Wales 1953 235 (Knowles and Hadcock).
- <3> SKE34650 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 11 1877 45-6 (plan).
- <4> SKE36575 OS Card Reference: Arch J 13 1856 85 (W.Clayton).
- <5> SKE36744 OS Card Reference: Arch J 86 1930 40 (REM Wheeler).
- <6> SKE33015 OS Card Reference: AM Eng and Wales 1961 59.
- <7> SKE42239 OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 22-MAY-64.
- <8> SKE46694 OS Card Reference: Md Rel Houses Eng and Wales 1971 293 (D Knowles and R N Hadcock).
- <9> SKE38447 OS Card Reference: Bygone Kent 1892 85 (R Stead).
- <10> SKE5979 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 34 SW 31 - May, 1964.
- <11> SKE38716 OS Card Reference: CAT Annual Report, 1994-5..
- <11> SKE6440 Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. CAT annual report, 1994-5..
- <12> SKE29372 Index: Historic England. National Heritage List for England.
- <13> SKE31575 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2014. Report on an archaeological watching brief Dover Western Heights Scheduled Ancient Monument (No. 1020298).
- <14> SKE16844 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2008. Dover Western Heights, Water Upgrade, 2007-8, Watching-brief Report.
- <15> SKE6727 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1990. Dover Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks: An Interim Archaeological Assessment Preparatory to Evaluation.
- <16> SKE55365 Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Knights Templar Church, Dover, Scheduled Monument.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (6)
- Event Boundary: Archaeological Watching Brief Report Western Heights, Dover, Kent, Scheduled Ancient Monument (Ref: Report no. 2014/135) (EKE15010)
- Intrusive Event: Archaeological Watching Brief Report Western Heights,Site 1 Junction of Western Close and Citadel Road, adjacent to the Medieval chapel (Ref: Report no. 2014/135) (EKE16806)
- Intrusive Event: Rxcavation, WESTERN HEIGHTS, 1854 (Ref: EI 15042) (EKE4716)
- Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at Dover Western Heights fortifications (Ref: EI 36145) (EKE4473)
- Event Boundary: Watching brief on the Dover Western Heights Water Upgrade, 2007-8 (Ref: WHWD-WB-07) (EKE11100)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief on the Dover Western Heights Water Upgrade, 2007-8 Area 3 - Western Close (Ref: WHWD-WB-07) (EKE16468)
Record last edited
Mar 16 2023 5:09PM