Monument record TR 35 SE 19 - Early Medieval burials, St Richard's Road, Mill Hill, Deal
Grid reference | TR 3604 5111 (point) FCE |
Map sheet | TR35SE |
County | KENT |
District | DOVER, KENT |
Civil Parish | DOVER, DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
[TR 36045112] Jutish Burial found [NAT] (1) In 1933, during the construction of a soak-away 10 ft from the S wall of the new Roman Catholic Mission Hall, Upper Deal, a male Jutish inhumation burial was discovered. The grave, cut into the solid chalk, was orientated almost E-W, and contained an iron spearhead and a thick-backed knife. In 1898 a female inhumation burial was found '500 yds NW of the Waterworks on Mill Hill' [i.e. close to the 1933 burial). It lay with the head to the NE and the grave goods included a small C6th silver gilt disc brooch, a long bead necklace, an iron buckle and an oval iron belt fitting ( possibly TR 35 SE 51). The finds from both burials are in the Deal Castle Museum. (2) Skeleton of an old man 6ft tall (see OS cards TR 35 SE 20 and TR 35 SE 51). (3) The site is described as a cemetery and listed. (4)
Additional references (5-8)
<1> OS 25" 1958 (OS Card Reference). SKE48274.
<2> F1 ASP 22-JUL-64 (OS Card Reference). SKE42235.
<3> Archaeol Cant 46, 1934, 209-10 (WPD Stebbing and DA Davies) (OS Card Reference). SKE37227.
<4> VCH Kent 1, 1908, 363 (RA Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE50924.
<5> East Kent Mercury, 30-DEC-1933 (OS Card Reference). SKE41574.
<6> Gaz of Early Anglo-Saxon Burial Sites 1964, 117 (ALS Meaney) (OS Card Reference). SKE43514.
<7> Medieval Archaeol 2, 1958, 63 (SE Chadwick) (OS Card Reference). SKE46842.
<8> Field report for monument TR 35 SE 19 - July, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE6086.
Sources/Archives (8)
- <1> SKE48274 OS Card Reference: OS 25" 1958.
- <2> SKE42235 OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 22-JUL-64.
- <3>XY SKE37227 OS Card Reference: Archaeol Cant 46, 1934, 209-10 (WPD Stebbing and DA Davies). [Mapped feature: #58397 Cemetery, ]
- <4> SKE50924 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 1, 1908, 363 (RA Smith).
- <5> SKE41574 OS Card Reference: East Kent Mercury, 30-DEC-1933.
- <6> SKE43514 OS Card Reference: Gaz of Early Anglo-Saxon Burial Sites 1964, 117 (ALS Meaney).
- <7> SKE46842 OS Card Reference: Medieval Archaeol 2, 1958, 63 (SE Chadwick).
- <8> SKE6086 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 35 SE 19 - July, 1964.
Finds (6)
- BROOCH (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon to Unknown - 410 AD)
- BEAD (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon to Unknown - 410 AD)
- SPEAR (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon to Unknown - 410 AD)
- KNIFE (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon to Unknown - 410 AD)
- JAR (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 410 AD to 1065 AD)
- NECKLACE (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 410 AD to 599 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
May 2 2023 2:52PM