It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Findspot record TQ 45 SE 2 - Westerham, in vicinity of: recovery of Palaeolithic flint artefacts from a sand/gravel pit near Brasted
Westerham, in vicinity of: recovery of Palaeolithic flint artefacts including twisted ovate handaxe from a sand/gravel pit [cf handaxe in British Museum, from gravel pit near Brasted]
Grid reference | TQ 4647 5475 (point) |
Map sheet | TQ45SE |
County | KENT |
District | SEVENOAKS, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
<1> OS 6" 1961 (OS Card Reference). SKE48369.
<2> Dr Gordon Ward (OS Card Reference). SKE41505.
<3> Maidstone Mus 6" (LRA Grove, Curator, 25.5.1950). (OS Card Reference). SKE46283.
<4> F1 ASP 14-AUG-64 (OS Card Reference). SKE42097.
<5> Field report for monument TQ 45 SE 2 - August, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE2679.
<6> Godwin F, in Druce, , 1933, Report for the year ending 31st December 1932. (Article in serial). SKE55079.
<7> Roe, D.A., 1968, Gazetteer of British Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Sites, p187 (Monograph). SWX6570.
<8> Roe, D.A., 1968, Gazetteer of British Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Sites, p140 (Monograph). SWX6570.
Sources/Archives (8)
- <1> SKE48369 OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1961.
- <2> SKE41505 OS Card Reference: Dr Gordon Ward.
- <3> SKE46283 OS Card Reference: Maidstone Mus 6" (LRA Grove, Curator, 25.5.1950)..
- <4> SKE42097 OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 14-AUG-64.
- <5> SKE2679 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 45 SE 2 - August, 1964.
- <6> SKE55079 Article in serial: Godwin F, in Druce, . 1933. Report for the year ending 31st December 1932. . Archaeologia Cantiana 45: xlii..
- <7> SWX6570 Monograph: Roe, D.A.. 1968. Gazetteer of British Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Sites. 1-355. p187.
- <8> SWX6570 Monograph: Roe, D.A.. 1968. Gazetteer of British Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Sites. 1-355. p140.
Finds (2)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Sep 14 2022 1:28PM