Listed Building record TQ 85 NW 68 - Howe Court, Crismill Lane, Thurnham


A small smoke-bay house, perhaps of the early or mid C16. Later alterations Grade II listed building. Main construction periods 1533 to 1932. A timber framed house with a hall and upper end of a smoke bay with a 1-bay floored hall. The lower end of the house was rebuilt in the 17th century. There is a small 19th century range at the front


Grid reference TQ 8186 5610 (point) NBM
Map sheet TQ85NW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

A small smoke-bay house, perhaps of the early or mid C16. Later alterations

Description from record TQ 85 NW 162:
The following text is from the original listed building designation:
6/196 Howe Court
House. Mid C16, partly rebuilt in early C17, with C19 addition. Right half timber-framed, largely plastered, with brick gable to right. Left half rebuilt with thick walls in brick in English bond. Plain tile roof. 4-bay house with storeyed bay at either end and hall area of 2 unequal bays, that to right probably always floored, that to left narrow and probably a smoke bay. Half the smoke bay and whole of left end rebuilt in early C17 when stack inserted. 2 storeys on stone plinth. One full-height post half way along right side. Roof hipped with gablet to right. Large multiple stack on front slope of roof, slightly off-centre to left, and small projecting stack at right end. Irregular fenestra- tion of two 3-light casements. Late C16 or early C17 rear wing to left integral with left end of main range. Large C19 addition to centre of front elevation. Ashlared stone ground floor, tile- hung first floor, plain-tile roof. 2 storeys on plinth. Very wide, with first floor jettied to either side. Bargeboards. Small stack to right. One 3-light casement. Boarded door in early C20 lean-to to left. Interior: Exposed beams joists and posts. Clasped purlin roof with queen struts and windbraces to right, plain clasped purlin roof to left.
Listing NGR: TQ8186756106 (1)

Historic England archive material: RCH01/048/01/687 Labelled sketch plan of the ground-floor of Howe Court, Thurnham. BF008675 HOWE COURT, THURNHAM

<1> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.

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Record last edited

Nov 2 2023 4:08PM