Monument record TR 15 NE 1393 - North and Eastern Range, Dominican Friary (Blackfriars)


On the 10th March, 1236-7, Henry III granted the Dominican friars an island in the Stour and during the next 23 years the friars received of the royal bounty sums of money, between 1237 and 1259, amounting in all to nearly £500.


Grid reference Centred TR 1487 5808 (52m by 56m)
Map sheet TR15NW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

In 1221 a band of 13 Dominican friars arrived in England, in the train of Peter des Roches bishop of Winchester, and passed through Canterbury on their way to London, which they reached on 10 August. At Canterbury they presented themselves to Archbishop Stephen Langton, who ordered their prior, Gilbert de Fresnoy, to preach before him, and was so much impressed with his sermon that he became henceforth a warm friend of the order. It was, however, under Archbishop Edmund Rich that the Friars Preachers first made a permanent settlement in Canterbury, probably by invitation of the archbishop. Their chief founder and benefactor, however, was the king. On the 10th March, 1236-7, Henry III granted them an island in the Stour and during the next 23 years the friars received of the royal bounty sums of money, between 1237 and 1259, amounting in all to nearly £500.

The church was the first building of the priory to be erected. It was begun in 1237 and almost completed by 1244 and was dedicated to the king's patron saint, Edward the Confessor, whilst the other monastic buildings seem to have been built by about 1260. A grant of £20 in 1259 was given towards building the kitchen.

The layout of the ranges of monastic buildings and the church was arranged around a centrally placed cloister. To the south lay the monastic church; to the east the eastern range appears to have consisted of the Prior's Lodging with prior's dormitory and perhaps guest's dormitory above; and the chapter house attached to the east with access from the Prior's Lodgings and the cloister. The north range appears to have consisted of perhaps cellarer's range with the friar's dormitory above; at the western end of the range was the kitchen and to the north of the range probably the reredorter probably with some sort of first floor access from the dormitory. The western range appears to have been taken up by the refectory, with a guest hall across the small river to the west.

The monastry was supressed at the Dissolution in 1538 and the buildings and land let to become a weaving factory. By the mid 17th century many of the old monastry buildings were no longer standing, only the refectory, the guest hall and the buildings on the north side of the old cloister survived.

Pilbrow, J., 1871, Discoveries made during excavations at Canterbury in 1868 (Serial). SKE30226.

Palmer, C. F. R., 1880, 'The Friar-Preachers, or Black Friars of Canterbury' (Article in serial). SKE29732.

Page, W. (ed), 1926, 'The Dominican Friars of Canterbury', Friaries, Religious Houses (Monograph). SKE30383.

Mead, H. T., 1934, Discoveries during the Main Drainage Works, High Street, Canterbury. January - March, 1933. (Serial). SKE29759.

Jenkins, F., 1970, Black Friars North, Canterbury (Unpublished document). SKE30385.

Millard, L., 1971, The Blackfriars, Canterbury (Serial). SKE30382.

Millard, L., 1971, 'The Blackfriars, Canterbury', Researches and Discoveries (Article in serial). SKE29731.

Bowen, J., 1983, Blackfriars' Refectory (Article in serial). SKE30384.

Bennett, P., 1984, Blackfriar's Gate, Canterbury 1983-4 (Article in serial). SKE30379.

Andrews, G., 1985, An Assessment. Gazetteer of Excavations. Prehistoric, Belgic and Roman Excavations (Monograph). SKE30006.

Bennett, P., 1987, Blackfriars' Gate (Article in serial). SKE30378.

Frere, S., Bennett, P., Rady, J., Stow, S., 1987, Excavations Intra- and Extra-mural Sites 1949-55 and 1980-84 (Monograph). SKE29800.

Bennett, P., 1989, Solly's Orchard St Peter's Lane (Article in serial). SKE30380.

Bennett, P., 1992, Evaluation Trench at the Dominican Priory, Blackfriars, Canterbury (Excavation archive). SKE30381.

Austin, R., 2001, Personal Comment Rupert Austin, Inventory List (Unpublished document). SKE29779.

Sources/Archives (15)

  • --- Article in serial: Millard, L.. 1971. 'The Blackfriars, Canterbury', Researches and Discoveries.
  • --- Article in serial: Palmer, C. F. R.. 1880. 'The Friar-Preachers, or Black Friars of Canterbury'.
  • --- Serial: Mead, H. T.. 1934. Discoveries during the Main Drainage Works, High Street, Canterbury. January - March, 1933..
  • --- Unpublished document: Austin, R.. 2001. Personal Comment Rupert Austin, Inventory List.
  • --- Monograph: Frere, S., Bennett, P., Rady, J., Stow, S.. 1987. Excavations Intra- and Extra-mural Sites 1949-55 and 1980-84.
  • --- Monograph: Andrews, G.. 1985. An Assessment. Gazetteer of Excavations. Prehistoric, Belgic and Roman Excavations.
  • --- Serial: Pilbrow, J.. 1871. Discoveries made during excavations at Canterbury in 1868.
  • --- Article in serial: Bennett, P.. 1987. Blackfriars' Gate.
  • --- Article in serial: Bennett, P.. 1984. Blackfriar's Gate, Canterbury 1983-4.
  • --- Article in serial: Bennett, P.. 1989. Solly's Orchard St Peter's Lane.
  • --- Excavation archive: Bennett, P.. 1992. Evaluation Trench at the Dominican Priory, Blackfriars, Canterbury.
  • --- Serial: Millard, L.. 1971. The Blackfriars, Canterbury.
  • --- Monograph: Page, W. (ed). 1926. 'The Dominican Friars of Canterbury', Friaries, Religious Houses.
  • --- Article in serial: Bowen, J.. 1983. Blackfriars' Refectory.
  • --- Unpublished document: Jenkins, F.. 1970. Black Friars North, Canterbury.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (15)

  • Intrusive Event: 'Solly's Orchard', St Peter's Lane (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13725)
  • Intrusive Event: Black Friars (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13720)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Blackfriars (11-18) (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13721)
  • Intrusive Event: Blackfriars (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13724)
  • Intrusive Event: Blackfriars Gate (Junction King Street/The Friars) (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13716)
  • Intrusive Event: Blackfriars Gate (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13718)
  • Intrusive Event: Blackfriars Gate (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13723)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Blackfriars Refectory (Ref: CAT: 228) (EKE13722)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Dominican Priory (Ref: CAT: 310) (EKE13457)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Dominican Priory, St Peter's Lane (Ref: CAT: 310) (EKE13456)
  • Intrusive Event: Friar's Bridge (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13719)
  • Intrusive Event: No 7, The Friars (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13726)
  • Intrusive Event: No 8, King Street (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13728)
  • Intrusive Event: SW end of King Street (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13717)
  • Intrusive Event: The Dominican Priory (extension: phase 1), Blackfriars (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13727)

Record last edited

Jan 6 2015 3:31PM