Monument record TR 15 NW 2206 - Medieval Occupation Trench II, 3 Westgate Hall Road/St. Peter's Lane


Trench II was located at No. 3 Westgate Hall Road junction with St. Peter's Lane, had a complex sequence of medieval levels. Overlying waterlogged latest Roman levels was a thick layer of black mud, probably deposited in the medieval period to raise the levels of the ground above flood levels. A single medieval pit cut this deposit.


Grid reference TR 1472 5806 (point)
Map sheet TR15NW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Andrews, G., 1985, An Assessment. Gazetteer of Excavations. Prehistoric, Belgic and Roman Excavations (Monograph). SKE30006.

Frere, S., Bennett, P., Rady, J., Stow, S., 1987, Excavations Intra- and Extra-mural Sites 1949-55 and 1980-84 (Monograph). SKE29800.

Anon, 1997, Westgate Hall Road Watching Recording Brief (Machine readable data file). SKE30879.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • --- Monograph: Frere, S., Bennett, P., Rady, J., Stow, S.. 1987. Excavations Intra- and Extra-mural Sites 1949-55 and 1980-84.
  • --- Monograph: Andrews, G.. 1985. An Assessment. Gazetteer of Excavations. Prehistoric, Belgic and Roman Excavations.
  • --- Machine readable data file: Anon. 1997. Westgate Hall Road Watching Recording Brief.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Intrusive Event: No 3 Westgate Hall Road (Citizens Advice Bureau) (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE14264)
  • Intrusive Event: St Peter's Lane (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE14263)

Record last edited

May 18 2015 12:25PM