Monument record TR 15 NW 2329 - Medieval wall at 48 Palace Street


Normal wall of Lanfranc Palace and west wall foundation of 13th Century Great Hall.


Grid reference TR 1498 5801 (point)
Map sheet TR15NW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Normal wall of Lanfranc Palace and west wall foundation of 13th Century Great Hall.
The excavation revealed a series of wall structures; phase I comprised part of the core of a wall which fronted the street comprised of coursed flintwork (one fragment of ragstone), in a yellow mortar containing flint gravel sand flecks of chalk. Its width may have been between 0.85-0.95m. This wall was probably part of a high wall running around the precincts for Archbishop Lanfranc's Palace in the 1070s.
Phase II comprised later wall fabric abutting part of the earlier wall, and comprised of coursed flints, chalk, ragstone, and at least one fragment of Caen stone rubble, with a yellow brown mortar. Only a strip around 0.20m wide was visible, however, it is likely to have been wider, as none of the original wall faces were exposed. This wall is likely to be associated with the 13th century Great Hall, as it follows the projected line of the hall wall.
Phase III comprised the razing of the earlier two walls and their replacement with a wall formed of chalk blocks set in a chalky mortar. This probably occurred around 1650 with the demolition of the hall, and the construction of a new wall in the late 18th century.
During the post-medieval period, another wall (formed of flint), was built over the remains of the Phase I and II walls. (1)

<1> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1999, An Archaeological Watching Brief at 48 Palace Street, Canterbury (Unpublished document). SKE55610.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1999. An Archaeological Watching Brief at 48 Palace Street, Canterbury.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief at 48 Palace Street, Canterbury (Ref: Site code: 48PS99) (EKE13612)

Record last edited

Nov 2 2023 1:50PM