Monument record TR 15 NW 2346 - Medieval pottery kiln, Barrett's, Pound Lane, Canterbury


A trench measured 10m x 6m and revealed the remains of a 12th century kiln at a depth of 2.15m. After the abandonment of the kiln, which had a short lived life span, the area was eventually returned to agricultural use in the later medieval and post medieval period, an interesting feature being a wicker lined well. Summary from record TR 15 NW 124: Medieval pottery kiln found during excavations in advance of the construction of a new car showroom in the forecourt of Barrett's Garage, Pound Lane, Canterbury. The kiln was a Musty type 1b comprising a single flue with a raised oven floor.


Grid reference Centred TR 1466 5813 (2m by 4m)
Map sheet TR15NW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

A trench measured 10m x 6m and revealed the remains of a 12th century kiln at a depth of 2.15m. A large quantity of sherds were recovered from the spoil associated with the clearance of deposits overlying the kiln. In order to excavate the kiln in its entirety the trench was extended to the south east. Evidence was recovered relating to the construction of the kiln, its use, and its final abandonment despite the waterlogged conditions encountered. The earliest levels encountered appeared to be a fluvial deposit of clay deposited during the early Roman period over which had built up a grey-brown soil, possibly agricultural in nature. The lack of occupation evidence suggested the site lay outside the main urban area during the Roman period. The tail of the rampart of the Roman town wall overlay the soil horizon. Overlying the Roman levels was a series of loam soils suggesting agricultural use of the area in the Saxon and early Medieval times, prior to the building of the kiln. After the abandonment of the kiln, which had a short lived life span, the area was eventually returned to agricultural use in the later medieval and post medieval period, an interesting feature being a wicker lined well.

Description from record TR 15 NW 124:
[TR 14655813] Medieval pottery kiln. The remains of a complete mid 12th century kiln has been found during excavations on the forecourt of Barrett's of Canterbury Ltd Garage, Pound Lane (see illust card). It is of unique importance being the oldest medieval kiln found in Kent, Production took place between circa 1150-1175. The character of the pottery assemblage was different from the local East Kent ceramic traditions, with products of a type hitherto thought to have been made in North France or the Low Countries. (1-3) It seems likely that the kiln and its contents are the products of an immigrant French potter. (4)

Paul Bennett, Arch Cant 1986, 1986, Barrett's, Pound Lane (Article in serial). SKE29344.

Paul Bennett, Arch Cant 1986, 1986, Barrett's, Pound Lane (Article in serial). SKE29344.

Cotter, J., 1997, A Twelfth-Century Pottery Kiln At Pound Lane, Canterbury: Evidence for an Immigrant Potter in the Late Norman Period (Monograph). SKE30943.

<1> CAT Ann Rep 10 1985-6 19 illus plan (P Bennett) (OS Card Reference). SKE38644.

<2> CAT Ann Rep 11 1986-7 7 illus (P Blockley) (OS Card Reference). SKE38652.

<3> KAR Newsletters 11 1987 10 photos (N Macpherson-Grant) (OS Card Reference). SKE45467.

<4> Md Arch 31 1987 148 photo (SM Youngs J Clark and T Barry) (OS Card Reference). SKE46637.

Sources/Archives (7)

  • --- Article in serial: Paul Bennett, Arch Cant 1986. 1986. Barrett's, Pound Lane. Arch Cant 103, 1986, pp. 216.
  • --- Article in serial: Paul Bennett, Arch Cant 1986. 1986. Barrett's, Pound Lane. Arch Cant 103, 1986, pp. 216.
  • --- Monograph: Cotter, J.. 1997. A Twelfth-Century Pottery Kiln At Pound Lane, Canterbury: Evidence for an Immigrant Potter in the Late Norman Period.
  • <1> OS Card Reference: CAT Ann Rep 10 1985-6 19 illus plan (P Bennett).
  • <2> OS Card Reference: CAT Ann Rep 11 1986-7 7 illus (P Blockley).
  • <3> OS Card Reference: KAR Newsletters 11 1987 10 photos (N Macpherson-Grant).
  • <4> OS Card Reference: Md Arch 31 1987 148 photo (SM Youngs J Clark and T Barry).

Finds (1)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Barretts, Pound Lane (Ref: CAT: 115 / site code: PL86) (EKE14342)

Record last edited

Apr 30 2024 11:16AM