Monument record TR 34 SW 1175 - Former site the ancillary buildings on the upper terrace at the Grand Shaft Barracks


A group of now demolished ancillary buildings stood to the south-west of the main barracks complex on a number of terraced areas. The upper terrace included the clerk of works quarters and a WWII deep shelter guard post, married soldiers quarters and the laundry (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information).


Grid reference Centred TR 3143 4090 (70m by 74m) (2 map features)
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Most of the ancillary structures, comprising stores, canteens, workshops and gardens etc, stood to the west of the main steps. The platforms on which these were built, along with fragments of walls and floors, are visible on four artificial terraces cut into a steep slope. Although the area is now heavily wooded and overgrown, the remains of many structures can be identified. Most of the ancillary buildings were arranged originally on two parrallel terraces with a single building on a third terrace. A fourth terrace was added in the late 1860's to accommodate the married soldiers quarters and a laundry.

The upper terrace included the married soldiers quarters and the laundry. At the time of survey, it was very overgrown and therefore not thoroughly investigated. However, it appeared to have no obvious visible remains, and the terrace appeared to be eroded and graded.

The married soldiers quarters which was constructed in 1869-70, was a brick built two storey range with a pitched slate roof, providing quarters for 26 families, each in a one room appartment with a covered verandah. Each appartment contained a cupboard and a fireplace with a small range. Stairs at the north and south end of the range reached the first floor appartments and a sink and ash bin were provided in a separate room at the south end of the range. The provision of single room apartments with a first floor verandah conform to the model plan prepared in 1860 by the office of the Inspector General for Fortifications, and first implemented at Hounslow. At the Grand Shaft barracks, the location of the married soldeirs quarters some distance from the rest of the barracks may either be the result of using the only site available by 1869 or the desire to separate families from the rough soldiery.

The laundry was a single storey building of brick with a slate roof was also constructed in 1869-70, to the south west of the married soldiers quarters. The central block housed the laundry and the wash facilities, while smaller wings contained ablutions and latrines for men, and for women and children respectively. (1)

RCHME, 2000, The Western Heights, Dover, Kent. Report No 4: The Grand Shaft Barracks, 19th and 20th-century infantry barracks (Unpublished document). SKE17499.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: RCHME. 2000. The Western Heights, Dover, Kent. Report No 4: The Grand Shaft Barracks, 19th and 20th-century infantry barracks.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (11)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: Survey of the Grand Shaft Barracks site, Western Heights, Dover (EKE11877)
  • Event Boundary: Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks Trial Pits (EKE5929)
  • Intrusive Event: Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks Trial Pits, TP10 (EKE16538)
  • Intrusive Event: Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks Trial Pits, TP11 (EKE16539)
  • Intrusive Event: Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks Trial Pits, TP12 (EKE16540)
  • Intrusive Event: Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks Trial Pits, TP13 (EKE16541)
  • Intrusive Event: Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks Trial Pits, TPA (EKE16542)
  • Intrusive Event: Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks Trial Pits, TPB (EKE16543)
  • Intrusive Event: Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks Trial Pits, TPC (EKE16544)
  • Intrusive Event: Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks Trial Pits, TPD (EKE16545)
  • Intrusive Event: Western Heights: Grand Shaft Barracks Trial Pits, TPE (EKE16546)

Record last edited

Mar 15 2018 10:26AM