Monument record TQ 55 NW 393 - Post hole containing beaker pottery, 22 Pilgrims Way, Otford


A post hole contained two fragments of Beaker Pottery and five very small abdraded animal bone fragments was discovered in 2016 during an archaeological evaluation


Grid reference TQ 5363 5932 (point)
Map sheet TQ55NW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Between may 18-19th 2016 four evaluation trenches were conducted across the site prior to development. These trenches uncovered a number of features, mainly dateable to the Iron Age period (see TQ 55 NW 392) and according to the report "not related to Otford Roman Villa further South"

Trench 1 (Figure 2) was located through the approximate centre of the proposed dwelling
and was aligned northwest/southeast. Ditch 104 (Plate 2) was located in the approximate
centre of the trench on a northeast/south west alignment, measuring 0.8m wide and
0.16m deep, with moderate concave sides and a flat base. The ditch was not identified in
either Trench 2 or Trench 3. Ditch 104 was cut by the terminus of a later v-shaped ditch
106, which was on a similar alignment and extended beyond the trench to the northeast,
and measured 0.47m wide and 0.22m deep, with steep straight sides and a v-shaped
base. Ditch 104 contained an iron nail SF1 and an abraded animal bone fragment, ditch
106 contained 13 sherds of Middle to Late Iron Age pottery fragments and a fragment of
burnt flint.

Trench 2 (Figure 2, Plates 1 and 3) was located along the western edge of the proposed
dwelling, and was aligned north-northeast/south-southwest. Post-hole 204 was located in
the approximate centre of the trench and oval in shape, measuring 0.25m long, 0.46m
wide and 0.28m deep with steep straight sides and a concave base. Post-hole 206 was
located directly north of 204 (Plate 4) and sub-oval in shape, measuring 0.55m long,
0.33m wide and 0.3m deep. The post-hole contained two fragments of Beaker pottery and
five very small abraded animal bone fragments.

Trench 3 (Figure 2) was located south of the proposed dwelling. The trench contained a
shallow sub-circular pit 304 (Plate 5, located at the south eastern end, measuring at least
0.84m long, 0.98m wide and 0.16m deep. The pit contained two fragments of Late Iron
Age/Romano-British pottery. Post-hole 306 (Plate 6) was located in the northwest half of
the trench, measuring 0.36m in diameter and 0.16m deep. No dating evidence was
recovered. An area of modern disturbance was identified in the centre of the trench.

Trench 4 (Figure 2, Plate 7) was located along the eastern edge of the proposed dwelling
and was aligned north-northeast/south-southwest. Modern disturbance was recorded in
the approximate centre of the trench. A modern drain was recorded in the southern half of
the trench, while a tree throw was recorded in the northern half. No archaeological finds of
features were observed.

With the exception of pit 304 all features contained a single fill comprised of gradual silting
of the feature after it had gone out of use. (1)

<1> Wessex Archaeology, 2016, 22 Pilgrims Way East, Otford, Kent.Archaeological Evaluation Report (Unpublished document). SKE31666.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2016. 22 Pilgrims Way East, Otford, Kent.Archaeological Evaluation Report.

Finds (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological evaluation at 22 Pilgrims way East Otford, Kent. (Ref: T21823.01) (EKE15389)

Record last edited

Nov 25 2020 4:20PM