Monument record TR 34 SW 1473 - Later post medieval structural remains Off Limekiln Street, Dover


Several minor structural features including various brick walls or arches, relating to recent cellars or tanks, were located during a watching brief undertaken by Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit, off Limekiln Street Dover (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TR 3156 4068 (24m by 28m) (7 map features)
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (3)

Full Description

<1> Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit, 1999, Limekiln Street, Dover - report on an archaeological watching brief (Unpublished document). SKE6615.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit. 1999. Limekiln Street, Dover - report on an archaeological watching brief.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (5)

  • Event Boundary: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover (EKE4889)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, internal foundation trench. (EKE15782)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, north foundation trench 1. (EKE15784)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, south foundation trench. (EKE15783)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on Oil Mill at Limekiln Street, Dover, west foundation trench 2. (EKE15788)

Record last edited

Oct 13 2017 1:48PM