Monument record TR 34 SW 1518 - Post medieval building (building 51 period 3) located off Townwall Street, Dover.


During excavations undertaken by Canterbury Archaeological Trust, ahead of the rebuilding of the Townwall Street filling Station, Dover, a complex series of stratified archaeological deposits were revealed representing activity at the site between the early Medieval period and later post medieval periods. Period 3 (c. 1550-1780) represents an increase in activity across the site, a series of buildings was constructed along Clarence Street (B47-51 and B53) with a cellared structure further to the south-east (B46). Building 51 was located on the north-west side of Clarence Street and is a replacement of the Medieval building 42. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information).


Grid reference Centred TR 3222 4144 (11m by 14m) (3 map features)
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

During excavations undertaken by Canterbury Archaeological Trust, ahead of the rebuilding of the Townwall Street filling Station, Dover, a complex series of stratified archaeological deposits were revealed representing activity at the site between the early Medieval period and later post medieval periods. Period 3 (c. 1550-1780) represents an increase in activity across the site, a series of buildings was constructed along Clarence Street (B47-51 and B53) with a cellared structure further to the south-east (B46). Building 51 was located on the north-west side of Clarence Street and is a replacement of the Medieval building 42.

It consisted of mortared stone wall footings on the north-east, south-east and south-west sides. The north-west wall lay beyond the excavation limits but the internal dimensions are about 6.9m (NE-SW) by at least 4.2m (NW-SE). Several phases of development are represented; the south-western wall appears to be a later addition and was abutted by a subsequent internal wall, it also ran across an earlier chalk block lined tank which was probably contemporary with the earliest walls of this building. Two walls at the south-west end of building 42 were retained and used as an annexe of building 51, the overall internal length of the building is thus 9.4m. The annexe was floored with clay but no contemporary floor survived within the main part of building 51. A sub-rectangular pit cut through the Medieval south-west wall down to the foundation level, this appeared to relate to an inserted doorway which gave access to a surfaced yard area which then occupied adjacent plot A. subsequently a chalk block boundary wall was constructed along the south east margin of plot A on a similar line and axis of the south-west wall of building 51. (1)

<1> Keith Parfitt, Barry Corke and John Cotter, 2006, Townwall Street, Dover: Excavations 1996 (Monograph). SKE31840.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Monograph: Keith Parfitt, Barry Corke and John Cotter. 2006. Townwall Street, Dover: Excavations 1996.

Finds (6)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Event Boundary: Excavations off Townwall Street, Dover. (EKE5693)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavations off Townwall Street, Dover. (EKE15649)

Record last edited

Apr 27 2017 3:59PM