Monument record TR 34 SW 1529 - 19th century features and cellaring off Queens Gardens, Dover.


During an archaeological evaluation undertaken off Queens Gardens, Dover, 5 trenches were excavated, the upper most layers revealed features of post Medieval date. This included boundary and outbuilding walls alongside areas of cellaring. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information).


Grid reference Centred TR 3175 4151 (24m by 23m) (11 map features)
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

During an archaeological evaluation undertaken off Queens Gardens, Dover, 5 trenches were excavated, the upper most layers revealed features of post Medieval date. This included boundary and outbuilding walls alongside, floors and areas of cellaring.

Trenches 1-3 were excavated by machine along the York Street frontage, they demonstrated that this entire area had been occupied by cellared buildings. Layers of compacted chalk, soil and brick rubble, about 1.78m thick, sealed the laid brick and cement cellar floors of these buildings. Traces of the red brick walls were located in trenches 1 and 2, although these had been almost completely demolished, so that only the lowest 2-5 courses of brickwork remained. Trench 4 revealed two sets of 19th century wall foundations and construction deposit associated with them. Two floors followed this construction deposit, the first representing an early yard surface of gritty loam and pea gravel and the second a laid brick floor which was bounded by the flint retaining wall on the south west side and a parallel brick wall set on a chalk foundation which possibly relates to an out building. At the top of the sequence within trench 5 was a layer of probable garden soil, which had been cut by the foundation trenches for the rear walls of the demolished Queens Gardens cottages, this was overlain by the demolition deposit associated with these buildings. (1)

<1> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2001, Report on Archaeological Evaluation: Trenching off Queen's Gardens, Dover (Unpublished document). SKE7867.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2001. Report on Archaeological Evaluation: Trenching off Queen's Gardens, Dover.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (8)

  • Intrusive Event: 27-30 Queen's Gardens and 1-13 York Street, Dover: watching brief (Ref: QGD-WB-06) (EKE15843)
  • Event Boundary: 27-30 Queen's Gardens and 1-13 York Street, Dover: watching brief (Ref: QGD-WB-06) (EKE9650)
  • Event Boundary: Evaluation off Queen's Gardens, Dover (Ref: QGD-01) (EKE5788)
  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation off Queen's Gardens, Dover. Trench 1 (Ref: QGD-01) (EKE15837)
  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation off Queen's Gardens, Dover. Trench 2 (Ref: QGD-01) (EKE15838)
  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation off Queen's Gardens, Dover. Trench 3 (Ref: QGD-01) (EKE15839)
  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation off Queen's Gardens, Dover. Trench 4 (Ref: QGD-01) (EKE15840)
  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation off Queen's Gardens, Dover. Trench 5 (Ref: QGD-01) (EKE15841)

Record last edited

Nov 10 2017 2:12PM