Monument record TR 34 SW 1771 - Post Medieval cellar walls, floors and infill located beneath the Bench Street Car Park, Dover


In February and March 2015 an archaeological observations were undertaken during the excavation of drain trenching and tree pits prior to the creation of a new car park on the eastern side of Bench Street, Dover. During this work a number of post medieval features, relating to the former site of cellared buildings, were uncovered across the site. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TR 3202 4132 (38m by 26m) (16 map features)
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (3)

Full Description

<1> A. Ward, 2015, An Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE32140.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: A. Ward. 2015. An Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent.

Finds (1)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (9)

  • Event Boundary: Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent 2015 (EKE15938)
  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent 2015. Drain Trench (EKE15949)
  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent 2015. Petrol Interceptor trench (EKE15948)
  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent 2015. Tree Pit 1 (EKE15939)
  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent 2015. Tree Pit 2 (EKE15940)
  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent 2015. Tree Pit 3 (EKE15941)
  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent 2015. Tree Pit 4 (EKE15942)
  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent 2015. Tree Pit 5 (EKE15943)
  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Watching Brief at the new Bench Street car park, Dover, Kent 2015. Tree Pit 6 (EKE15944)

Record last edited

May 12 2017 3:07PM