Monument record TR 06 SW 1005 - Faversham oyster beds


Oyster dredging was carried on at Faversham from early times, with Henry II making perhaps the first grant of the fishery to the Manor of Faversham. The oldest documentary evidence comes from 1591. The boundaries of the oyster fisheries were surveyed and mapped in 1608. After World War II the fishery ceased operation and the grounds were leased to the Seasalter and Ham Oyster Fishery Company.


Grid reference TR 0210 6450 (point) Approximate
Map sheet TR06SW
County KENT
District SWALE, KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

<1> Goodsall, Robert H, 1965, Oyster fisheries on the North Kent coast (Article in serial). SWX9334.

<2> 1770, Oyster fisheries boundary dispute chart, 1770 (Chart). SWX9341.

<3> 1608, Map of the extent of the King's Manor of Faversham by water (Chart). SWX9342.

<4> Hyde, Patricia & Harrington, Duncan, 2002, Faversham Oyster Fishery through eleven centuries (Monograph). SKE13183.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Article in serial: Goodsall, Robert H. 1965. Oyster fisheries on the North Kent coast. 80, 118-151.
  • <2> Chart: 1770. Oyster fisheries boundary dispute chart, 1770.
  • <3> Chart: 1608. Map of the extent of the King's Manor of Faversham by water.
  • <4> Monograph: Hyde, Patricia & Harrington, Duncan. 2002. Faversham Oyster Fishery through eleven centuries.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: Document survey of oyster fisheries on the north Kent coast (EWX6639)

Record last edited

Mar 19 2008 11:28AM