Monument record TQ 75 NE 36 - Remains of a College attached to All Saints' Church, Maidstone
Grid reference | Centred TQ 76013 55302 (149m by 167m) FCE |
Map sheet | TQ75NE |
County | KENT |
District | MAIDSTONE, KENT |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
Bartlett - Clark Consultancy, 1998, College of All Saints, Maidstone, Kent: Report on Archaeogeophysical Survey (Unpublished document). Ske12130.
<1> OS 1:1250 1958 (OS Card Reference). SKE48176.
<2> MHLG 1368/11/A Maidstone MB Nov 1.9.49 30.1 (OS Card Reference). SKE47071.
<3> F1 ASP 25.02.64 (OS Card Reference). SKE42271.
<4> DOE (HHR) Dist of Maidstone Area Kent 2.8.74 77 (OS Card Reference). SKE40287.
<5> DOE (IAM) AMs in Eng 2 1978 114 (OS Card Reference). SKE40703.
<6> Antiquities of Eng & Wales 2 1774 83-84 3 1787 67-80 (F Grose) (OS Card Reference). SKE33283.
<7> Arch J 5 1848 77-78 (Beale Post) (OS Card Reference). SKE36643.
<8> Notitia Monastica 1787 Kent (ed Naismith) xxxviii (Tanner) (OS Card Reference). SKE47711.
<9> Bldgs of Eng-West Kent & the Weald 1980 392 404-405 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE38156.
<10> Arch Cant 72 1958 L (F W Jessup) (OS Card Reference). SKE35522.
<11> Arch Cant 51 1939 213 (W Ruck) (OS Card Reference). SKE35268.
<12> Arch J 126 1969 253-254 (S E Rigold) (OS Card Reference). SKE36558.
<13> Med Rel Houses of Eng & Wales 1971 416 432 (D Knowles R N Hadcock) (OS Card Reference). SKE46805.
<14> JBAA 3 1897 71 72 (OS Card Reference). SKE44934.
<15> Field report for monument TQ 75 NE 35 - February, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE3806.
<16> Oxford Archaeological Unit, 1997, Maidstone: The Archiepiscopal Precinct (Heritage aspects of proposed works) (Unpublished document). SKE7372.
<17> Bartlett - Clark Consultancy, 1998, College of All Saints, Maidstone, Kent: Report on Archaeogeophysical Survey (Unpublished document). SKE12130.
<18> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.
<19> Historic England, Archive material associated with the College of All Saints, Maidstone, Listed Building (Archive). SKE53956.
Sources/Archives (20)
- ---XY SKE12130 Unpublished document: Bartlett - Clark Consultancy. 1998. College of All Saints, Maidstone, Kent: Report on Archaeogeophysical Survey. [Mapped feature: #267 college, ]
- <1> SKE48176 OS Card Reference: OS 1:1250 1958.
- <2> SKE47071 OS Card Reference: MHLG 1368/11/A Maidstone MB Nov 1.9.49 30.1.
- <3> SKE42271 OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 25.02.64.
- <4> SKE40287 OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) Dist of Maidstone Area Kent 2.8.74 77.
- <5> SKE40703 OS Card Reference: DOE (IAM) AMs in Eng 2 1978 114.
- <6> SKE33283 OS Card Reference: Antiquities of Eng & Wales 2 1774 83-84 3 1787 67-80 (F Grose).
- <7> SKE36643 OS Card Reference: Arch J 5 1848 77-78 (Beale Post).
- <8> SKE47711 OS Card Reference: Notitia Monastica 1787 Kent (ed Naismith) xxxviii (Tanner).
- <9> SKE38156 OS Card Reference: Bldgs of Eng-West Kent & the Weald 1980 392 404-405 (J Newman).
- <10> SKE35522 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 72 1958 L (F W Jessup).
- <11> SKE35268 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 51 1939 213 (W Ruck).
- <12> SKE36558 OS Card Reference: Arch J 126 1969 253-254 (S E Rigold).
- <13> SKE46805 OS Card Reference: Med Rel Houses of Eng & Wales 1971 416 432 (D Knowles R N Hadcock).
- <14> SKE44934 OS Card Reference: JBAA 3 1897 71 72.
- <15> SKE3806 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 75 NE 35 - February, 1964.
- <16> SKE7372 Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeological Unit. 1997. Maidstone: The Archiepiscopal Precinct (Heritage aspects of proposed works).
- <17>XY SKE12130 Unpublished document: Bartlett - Clark Consultancy. 1998. College of All Saints, Maidstone, Kent: Report on Archaeogeophysical Survey. [Mapped feature: #267 college, ]
- <18> SKE16191 Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments.
- <19> SKE53956 Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with the College of All Saints, Maidstone, Listed Building.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Archaeogeophysical survey of the College of All Saints, Maidstone (EKE8454)
- Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at the Maidstone River Pk, Amptheatre (Ref: MNEMG'01) (EKE5622)
Related Thematic Articles (1)
Record last edited
Jul 7 2021 7:08PM