Monument record TR 13 SW 5 - 'Stutfall Castle', Lympne, actually Roman fort of Portus Lemanis


A Roman fort of the Saxon Shore. The assumed coastline during Roman times would have allowed the fort at Lympne to protect the entrance of a substantial natural harbour in an area now part of Romney Marsh. It is suggested that the surviving remains belong to a fort of the Saxon Shore and belonging to the period c.AD 270. The fort is sometimes known as Stutfall Castle. The remains were investigated by Charles Roach Smith and more recently by Barry Cunliffe. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that there was earlier occupation with military connotations. This fits well with a mention in the Antonine Itinerary (early 3rd century) of Portus Lemanis. The present fort appears to have been abandoned c.350 on the basis of coin and pottery evidence. There is, however, a reference in the Notitia Dignitatum c.395 to a garrison of the numerus Turnacensium but this is not thought to be realistic and is possibly an error.


Grid reference Centred TR 117 342 (291m by 264m) FCE
Map sheet TR13SW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

<1> OS 6" 1961 (OS Card Reference). SKE48369.

<2> OS Roman Britain Map (OS Card Reference). SKE48432.

<3> Richborough Reculver & Lymne 1850 233-68 (C R Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE49256.

<4> Athenaeum 22 9 1894 (OS Card Reference). SKE37418.

<5> VCH Kent 3 1932 55-9 plan (F J Haverfield & R E M Wheeler) (OS Card Reference). SKE51126.

<6> VCH Kent 1 1908 406 (I C Gould E A Downmen) (OS Card Reference). SKE50885.

<7> PSA 2 1850 89-90 (F W Fairholt) (OS Card Reference). SKE48759.

<8> JBAA 40 1884 234 (OS Card Reference). SKE44972.

<9> JRS 22 1932 70 (J P Bushe-Fox) (OS Card Reference). SKE45063.

<10> AM Eng & Wales 1958 46 (MOW) (OS Card Reference). SKE33005.

<11> F1 CFW 28.11.62 (OS Card Reference). SKE42793.

<12> Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1976 (S Johnson) (OS Card Reference). SKE49333.

<13> Britannia 11 1980 227-288 illust photos (B Cunliffe) (OS Card Reference). SKE38362.

<14> Kent Arch Review 68 1982 175-191 (B Philp) (OS Card Reference). SKE45862.

<15> Ro Inscript of Brit 1 1965 19 (R G Collingwood R P Wright) (OS Card Reference). SKE49273.

<16> Arch Cant 18 1889 41-45 (C Roach Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE34778.

<17> Collectanea Historica (ed A Detsicas) 1981 46-49 (B Philp) (OS Card Reference). SKE39226.

<18> Place-names of Roman Britain 1979 386-7 (A L F Rivet & C Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE48525.

<19> DOE(IAM) AM7 AM12 3 Nov 1986 (J M Melhuish) (OS Card Reference). SKE41409.

<20> Bldgs of Eng W Kent & the Weald 1980 394-395 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE37886.

<21> JRS 34 1944 85 (OS Card Reference). SKE45078.

<22> Arch J 53 1896 388 352-375 (G E Fox) (OS Card Reference). SKE36653.

<23> Late Roman Fortifications 1983 52 53 201 204 205 illust 207 (S Johnson) (OS Card Reference). SKE45999.

<24> Arch & Coastal Change (ed F H Thompson) 1980 45 (B W Cunliffe) (OS Card Reference). SKE34364.

<25> JRS 43 1953 97 (J K St Joseph) (OS Card Reference). SKE45094.

<26> Roman Military Def of the Brit Provinces in Later Phases BAR 101 1982 (D A Weslby) (OS Card Reference). SKE49336.

<27> JRS 22 1932 69-71 (J P Bushe-Fox) (OS Card Reference). SKE45062.

<28> The Saxon Shore (ed D E Johnston) 1977 73 (S E Rigold) (OS Card Reference). SKE50510.

<29> Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1964 (L Cottrell) (OS Card Reference). SKE49332.

<30> Archaeologia 41 2 1867 421-452 (T Lewin) (OS Card Reference). SKE37315.

<31> JBAA 20 1914 207-208 (OS Card Reference). SKE44904.

<32> Gents Mag lib 1 1887 (ed G L Gomme) 152-153 (OS Card Reference). SKE43593.

<33> South Hants Arch Rescue Grp 18 1976 10 (R Bridgland) (OS Card Reference). SKE49521.

<34> Towns of Roman Brit 1975 26 189 193 (J Wacher) (OS Card Reference). SKE50613.

<35> Britannia 8 1977 425 (S S Frere) (OS Card Reference). SKE38383.

<36> Current Archaeology 50 1975 71 (OS Card Reference). SKE39528.

<37> Castles of Great Britain 1953 18-19 (S Toy) (OS Card Reference). SKE38639.

<38> Roman Britain 1978 52 56 59 (J Wacher) (OS Card Reference). SKE49327.

<39> SE Eng 1970 177 (R Jessup) (OS Card Reference). SKE49422.

<40> Archaeologia 93 1949 37 (I A Richamond O G S Crawford) (OS Card Reference). SKE37324.

<41> Castles of Eng 1 1897 30 (J D Mackenzie) (OS Card Reference). SKE38625.

<42> Richborough Reculver & Lympne 1850 (C Roach Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE49257.

<43> Colectanea Antiqua 2 1852 1 (C Roach Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE39087.

<44> Collectanea Antiqua 7 1880 158 (OS Card Reference). SKE39204.

<45> Country Life 28 682 (OS Card Reference). SKE39421.

<46> Field report for monument TR 13 SW 5 - November, 1962 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5381.


<48> PURLANDS VISITS (Collection). SKE6532.

<49> Chris Blandford Associates, 1992, A259 Dymchurch to M20 (Junction 11) Stage 1 Heritage (Unpublished document). SKE6769.

<50> Chris Blandford Associates, 1994, A259 Dymchurch to M20 (J11) Draft Brief for Archaeological Field Evaluation (Unpublished document). SKE6884.

<51> Anthony E. Collins, 1992, Archaeological Potential of the Hythe Haven (Unpublished document). SKE7373.

<52> SAXON SHORE FORT Types: FORT (Photograph). SKE388.

<53> Brian Philp, 1982, Romney Marsh and the Roman Fort at Lympne (Article in serial). SKE7806.

<54> SAXON SHORE FORT Types: FORT (Photograph). SKE389.

<55> SIMILAR (BUT NOT IDENTICAL) TO AO62/141/5 Types: FORT (Photograph). SKE556.


<57> University of Kent, 2016, Report on a Geophysical Survey of Stutfall Castle, the Roman Saxon Shore Fort at Lympne, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE31559.

<58> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.

<59> Historic England, Archive material associated with Stutfall Castle, Lympne, Listed Building (Archive). SKE54570.

Sources/Archives (59)

  • <1> OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1961.
  • <2> OS Card Reference: OS Roman Britain Map.
  • <3> OS Card Reference: Richborough Reculver & Lymne 1850 233-68 (C R Smith).
  • <4> OS Card Reference: Athenaeum 22 9 1894.
  • <5> OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 3 1932 55-9 plan (F J Haverfield & R E M Wheeler).
  • <6> OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 1 1908 406 (I C Gould E A Downmen).
  • <7> OS Card Reference: PSA 2 1850 89-90 (F W Fairholt).
  • <8> OS Card Reference: JBAA 40 1884 234.
  • <9> OS Card Reference: JRS 22 1932 70 (J P Bushe-Fox).
  • <10> OS Card Reference: AM Eng & Wales 1958 46 (MOW).
  • <11> OS Card Reference: F1 CFW 28.11.62.
  • <12> OS Card Reference: Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1976 (S Johnson).
  • <13> OS Card Reference: Britannia 11 1980 227-288 illust photos (B Cunliffe).
  • <14> OS Card Reference: Kent Arch Review 68 1982 175-191 (B Philp).
  • <15> OS Card Reference: Ro Inscript of Brit 1 1965 19 (R G Collingwood R P Wright).
  • <16> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 18 1889 41-45 (C Roach Smith).
  • <17> OS Card Reference: Collectanea Historica (ed A Detsicas) 1981 46-49 (B Philp).
  • <18> OS Card Reference: Place-names of Roman Britain 1979 386-7 (A L F Rivet & C Smith).
  • <19> OS Card Reference: DOE(IAM) AM7 AM12 3 Nov 1986 (J M Melhuish).
  • <20> OS Card Reference: Bldgs of Eng W Kent & the Weald 1980 394-395 (J Newman).
  • <21> OS Card Reference: JRS 34 1944 85.
  • <22> OS Card Reference: Arch J 53 1896 388 352-375 (G E Fox).
  • <23> OS Card Reference: Late Roman Fortifications 1983 52 53 201 204 205 illust 207 (S Johnson).
  • <24> OS Card Reference: Arch & Coastal Change (ed F H Thompson) 1980 45 (B W Cunliffe).
  • <25> OS Card Reference: JRS 43 1953 97 (J K St Joseph).
  • <26> OS Card Reference: Roman Military Def of the Brit Provinces in Later Phases BAR 101 1982 (D A Weslby).
  • <27> OS Card Reference: JRS 22 1932 69-71 (J P Bushe-Fox).
  • <28> OS Card Reference: The Saxon Shore (ed D E Johnston) 1977 73 (S E Rigold).
  • <29> OS Card Reference: Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1964 (L Cottrell).
  • <30> OS Card Reference: Archaeologia 41 2 1867 421-452 (T Lewin).
  • <31> OS Card Reference: JBAA 20 1914 207-208.
  • <32> OS Card Reference: Gents Mag lib 1 1887 (ed G L Gomme) 152-153.
  • <33> OS Card Reference: South Hants Arch Rescue Grp 18 1976 10 (R Bridgland).
  • <34> OS Card Reference: Towns of Roman Brit 1975 26 189 193 (J Wacher).
  • <35> OS Card Reference: Britannia 8 1977 425 (S S Frere).
  • <36> OS Card Reference: Current Archaeology 50 1975 71.
  • <37> OS Card Reference: Castles of Great Britain 1953 18-19 (S Toy).
  • <38> OS Card Reference: Roman Britain 1978 52 56 59 (J Wacher).
  • <39> OS Card Reference: SE Eng 1970 177 (R Jessup).
  • <40> OS Card Reference: Archaeologia 93 1949 37 (I A Richamond O G S Crawford).
  • <41> OS Card Reference: Castles of Eng 1 1897 30 (J D Mackenzie).
  • <42> OS Card Reference: Richborough Reculver & Lympne 1850 (C Roach Smith).
  • <43> OS Card Reference: Colectanea Antiqua 2 1852 1 (C Roach Smith).
  • <44> OS Card Reference: Collectanea Antiqua 7 1880 158.
  • <45> OS Card Reference: Country Life 28 682.
  • <46> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 13 SW 5 - November, 1962.
  • <47> Photograph: PLAN OF STUFFALL CASTLE AT LYMPNE. OS62/F141/5. Black and White. Negative.
  • <48> Collection: PURLANDS VISITS.
  • <49> Unpublished document: Chris Blandford Associates. 1992. A259 Dymchurch to M20 (Junction 11) Stage 1 Heritage.
  • <50> Unpublished document: Chris Blandford Associates. 1994. A259 Dymchurch to M20 (J11) Draft Brief for Archaeological Field Evaluation.
  • <51> Unpublished document: Anthony E. Collins. 1992. Archaeological Potential of the Hythe Haven.
  • <52> Photograph: SAXON SHORE FORT Types: FORT. BB81/01221. Black and White. Negative.
  • <53> Article in serial: Brian Philp. 1982. Romney Marsh and the Roman Fort at Lympne.
  • <54> Photograph: SAXON SHORE FORT Types: FORT. BB81/01222. Black and White. Negative.
  • <55> Photograph: SIMILAR (BUT NOT IDENTICAL) TO AO62/141/5 Types: FORT. P29099. Black and White. Print.
  • <57> Unpublished document: University of Kent. 2016. Report on a Geophysical Survey of Stutfall Castle, the Roman Saxon Shore Fort at Lympne, Kent.
  • <58>XY Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments. [Mapped feature: #605 Castle, ]
  • <59> Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Stutfall Castle, Lympne, Listed Building.

Finds (1)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (7)

  • Intrusive Event: Geoarchaeological and palaeoenvironmental assessment, A259 Dymchurch to M20 (Junction 11) (EKE21144)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Geophysical Survey of Stutfall Castle, the Roman Saxon Shore Fort at Lympne, Kent (EKE15003)
  • Intrusive Event: STUTFALL CASTLE (LEMANIS) (Ref: EI 14618) (EKE3749)
  • Intrusive Event: STUTFALL CASTLE (LEMANIS) (Ref: EI 14619) (EKE3750)
  • Intrusive Event: STUTFALL CASTLE (LEMANIS) (Ref: EI 14620) (EKE3751)
  • Intrusive Event: STUTFALL CASTLE (LEMANIS) (Ref: EI 14621) (EKE3752)
  • Intrusive Event: STUTFALL CASTLE (Ref: EI 36071) (EKE4440)

Related Thematic Articles (2)

Record last edited

Dec 3 2021 4:53PM