Monument record TR 13 SW 5 - 'Stutfall Castle', Lympne, actually Roman fort of Portus Lemanis
Grid reference | Centred TR 117 342 (291m by 264m) FCE |
Map sheet | TR13SW |
County | KENT |
Civil Parish | HYTHE, SHEPWAY, KENT |
Civil Parish | LYMPNE, SHEPWAY, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
<1> OS 6" 1961 (OS Card Reference). SKE48369.
<2> OS Roman Britain Map (OS Card Reference). SKE48432.
<3> Richborough Reculver & Lymne 1850 233-68 (C R Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE49256.
<4> Athenaeum 22 9 1894 (OS Card Reference). SKE37418.
<5> VCH Kent 3 1932 55-9 plan (F J Haverfield & R E M Wheeler) (OS Card Reference). SKE51126.
<6> VCH Kent 1 1908 406 (I C Gould E A Downmen) (OS Card Reference). SKE50885.
<7> PSA 2 1850 89-90 (F W Fairholt) (OS Card Reference). SKE48759.
<8> JBAA 40 1884 234 (OS Card Reference). SKE44972.
<9> JRS 22 1932 70 (J P Bushe-Fox) (OS Card Reference). SKE45063.
<10> AM Eng & Wales 1958 46 (MOW) (OS Card Reference). SKE33005.
<11> F1 CFW 28.11.62 (OS Card Reference). SKE42793.
<12> Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1976 (S Johnson) (OS Card Reference). SKE49333.
<13> Britannia 11 1980 227-288 illust photos (B Cunliffe) (OS Card Reference). SKE38362.
<14> Kent Arch Review 68 1982 175-191 (B Philp) (OS Card Reference). SKE45862.
<15> Ro Inscript of Brit 1 1965 19 (R G Collingwood R P Wright) (OS Card Reference). SKE49273.
<16> Arch Cant 18 1889 41-45 (C Roach Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE34778.
<17> Collectanea Historica (ed A Detsicas) 1981 46-49 (B Philp) (OS Card Reference). SKE39226.
<18> Place-names of Roman Britain 1979 386-7 (A L F Rivet & C Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE48525.
<19> DOE(IAM) AM7 AM12 3 Nov 1986 (J M Melhuish) (OS Card Reference). SKE41409.
<20> Bldgs of Eng W Kent & the Weald 1980 394-395 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE37886.
<21> JRS 34 1944 85 (OS Card Reference). SKE45078.
<22> Arch J 53 1896 388 352-375 (G E Fox) (OS Card Reference). SKE36653.
<23> Late Roman Fortifications 1983 52 53 201 204 205 illust 207 (S Johnson) (OS Card Reference). SKE45999.
<24> Arch & Coastal Change (ed F H Thompson) 1980 45 (B W Cunliffe) (OS Card Reference). SKE34364.
<25> JRS 43 1953 97 (J K St Joseph) (OS Card Reference). SKE45094.
<26> Roman Military Def of the Brit Provinces in Later Phases BAR 101 1982 (D A Weslby) (OS Card Reference). SKE49336.
<27> JRS 22 1932 69-71 (J P Bushe-Fox) (OS Card Reference). SKE45062.
<28> The Saxon Shore (ed D E Johnston) 1977 73 (S E Rigold) (OS Card Reference). SKE50510.
<29> Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1964 (L Cottrell) (OS Card Reference). SKE49332.
<30> Archaeologia 41 2 1867 421-452 (T Lewin) (OS Card Reference). SKE37315.
<31> JBAA 20 1914 207-208 (OS Card Reference). SKE44904.
<32> Gents Mag lib 1 1887 (ed G L Gomme) 152-153 (OS Card Reference). SKE43593.
<33> South Hants Arch Rescue Grp 18 1976 10 (R Bridgland) (OS Card Reference). SKE49521.
<34> Towns of Roman Brit 1975 26 189 193 (J Wacher) (OS Card Reference). SKE50613.
<35> Britannia 8 1977 425 (S S Frere) (OS Card Reference). SKE38383.
<36> Current Archaeology 50 1975 71 (OS Card Reference). SKE39528.
<37> Castles of Great Britain 1953 18-19 (S Toy) (OS Card Reference). SKE38639.
<38> Roman Britain 1978 52 56 59 (J Wacher) (OS Card Reference). SKE49327.
<39> SE Eng 1970 177 (R Jessup) (OS Card Reference). SKE49422.
<40> Archaeologia 93 1949 37 (I A Richamond O G S Crawford) (OS Card Reference). SKE37324.
<41> Castles of Eng 1 1897 30 (J D Mackenzie) (OS Card Reference). SKE38625.
<42> Richborough Reculver & Lympne 1850 (C Roach Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE49257.
<43> Colectanea Antiqua 2 1852 1 (C Roach Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE39087.
<44> Collectanea Antiqua 7 1880 158 (OS Card Reference). SKE39204.
<45> Country Life 28 682 (OS Card Reference). SKE39421.
<46> Field report for monument TR 13 SW 5 - November, 1962 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5381.
<48> PURLANDS VISITS (Collection). SKE6532.
<49> Chris Blandford Associates, 1992, A259 Dymchurch to M20 (Junction 11) Stage 1 Heritage (Unpublished document). SKE6769.
<50> Chris Blandford Associates, 1994, A259 Dymchurch to M20 (J11) Draft Brief for Archaeological Field Evaluation (Unpublished document). SKE6884.
<51> Anthony E. Collins, 1992, Archaeological Potential of the Hythe Haven (Unpublished document). SKE7373.
<52> SAXON SHORE FORT Types: FORT (Photograph). SKE388.
<53> Brian Philp, 1982, Romney Marsh and the Roman Fort at Lympne (Article in serial). SKE7806.
<54> SAXON SHORE FORT Types: FORT (Photograph). SKE389.
<55> SIMILAR (BUT NOT IDENTICAL) TO AO62/141/5 Types: FORT (Photograph). SKE556.
<57> University of Kent, 2016, Report on a Geophysical Survey of Stutfall Castle, the Roman Saxon Shore Fort at Lympne, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE31559.
<58> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.
<59> Historic England, Archive material associated with Stutfall Castle, Lympne, Listed Building (Archive). SKE54570.
Sources/Archives (59)
- <1> SKE48369 OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1961.
- <2> SKE48432 OS Card Reference: OS Roman Britain Map.
- <3> SKE49256 OS Card Reference: Richborough Reculver & Lymne 1850 233-68 (C R Smith).
- <4> SKE37418 OS Card Reference: Athenaeum 22 9 1894.
- <5> SKE51126 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 3 1932 55-9 plan (F J Haverfield & R E M Wheeler).
- <6> SKE50885 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 1 1908 406 (I C Gould E A Downmen).
- <7> SKE48759 OS Card Reference: PSA 2 1850 89-90 (F W Fairholt).
- <8> SKE44972 OS Card Reference: JBAA 40 1884 234.
- <9> SKE45063 OS Card Reference: JRS 22 1932 70 (J P Bushe-Fox).
- <10> SKE33005 OS Card Reference: AM Eng & Wales 1958 46 (MOW).
- <11> SKE42793 OS Card Reference: F1 CFW 28.11.62.
- <12> SKE49333 OS Card Reference: Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1976 (S Johnson).
- <13> SKE38362 OS Card Reference: Britannia 11 1980 227-288 illust photos (B Cunliffe).
- <14> SKE45862 OS Card Reference: Kent Arch Review 68 1982 175-191 (B Philp).
- <15> SKE49273 OS Card Reference: Ro Inscript of Brit 1 1965 19 (R G Collingwood R P Wright).
- <16> SKE34778 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 18 1889 41-45 (C Roach Smith).
- <17> SKE39226 OS Card Reference: Collectanea Historica (ed A Detsicas) 1981 46-49 (B Philp).
- <18> SKE48525 OS Card Reference: Place-names of Roman Britain 1979 386-7 (A L F Rivet & C Smith).
- <19> SKE41409 OS Card Reference: DOE(IAM) AM7 AM12 3 Nov 1986 (J M Melhuish).
- <20> SKE37886 OS Card Reference: Bldgs of Eng W Kent & the Weald 1980 394-395 (J Newman).
- <21> SKE45078 OS Card Reference: JRS 34 1944 85.
- <22> SKE36653 OS Card Reference: Arch J 53 1896 388 352-375 (G E Fox).
- <23> SKE45999 OS Card Reference: Late Roman Fortifications 1983 52 53 201 204 205 illust 207 (S Johnson).
- <24> SKE34364 OS Card Reference: Arch & Coastal Change (ed F H Thompson) 1980 45 (B W Cunliffe).
- <25> SKE45094 OS Card Reference: JRS 43 1953 97 (J K St Joseph).
- <26> SKE49336 OS Card Reference: Roman Military Def of the Brit Provinces in Later Phases BAR 101 1982 (D A Weslby).
- <27> SKE45062 OS Card Reference: JRS 22 1932 69-71 (J P Bushe-Fox).
- <28> SKE50510 OS Card Reference: The Saxon Shore (ed D E Johnston) 1977 73 (S E Rigold).
- <29> SKE49332 OS Card Reference: Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1964 (L Cottrell).
- <30> SKE37315 OS Card Reference: Archaeologia 41 2 1867 421-452 (T Lewin).
- <31> SKE44904 OS Card Reference: JBAA 20 1914 207-208.
- <32> SKE43593 OS Card Reference: Gents Mag lib 1 1887 (ed G L Gomme) 152-153.
- <33> SKE49521 OS Card Reference: South Hants Arch Rescue Grp 18 1976 10 (R Bridgland).
- <34> SKE50613 OS Card Reference: Towns of Roman Brit 1975 26 189 193 (J Wacher).
- <35> SKE38383 OS Card Reference: Britannia 8 1977 425 (S S Frere).
- <36> SKE39528 OS Card Reference: Current Archaeology 50 1975 71.
- <37> SKE38639 OS Card Reference: Castles of Great Britain 1953 18-19 (S Toy).
- <38> SKE49327 OS Card Reference: Roman Britain 1978 52 56 59 (J Wacher).
- <39> SKE49422 OS Card Reference: SE Eng 1970 177 (R Jessup).
- <40> SKE37324 OS Card Reference: Archaeologia 93 1949 37 (I A Richamond O G S Crawford).
- <41> SKE38625 OS Card Reference: Castles of Eng 1 1897 30 (J D Mackenzie).
- <42> SKE49257 OS Card Reference: Richborough Reculver & Lympne 1850 (C Roach Smith).
- <43> SKE39087 OS Card Reference: Colectanea Antiqua 2 1852 1 (C Roach Smith).
- <44> SKE39204 OS Card Reference: Collectanea Antiqua 7 1880 158.
- <45> SKE39421 OS Card Reference: Country Life 28 682.
- <46> SKE5381 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 13 SW 5 - November, 1962.
- <47> SKE2583 Photograph: PLAN OF STUFFALL CASTLE AT LYMPNE. OS62/F141/5. Black and White. Negative.
- <48> SKE6532 Collection: PURLANDS VISITS.
- <49> SKE6769 Unpublished document: Chris Blandford Associates. 1992. A259 Dymchurch to M20 (Junction 11) Stage 1 Heritage.
- <50> SKE6884 Unpublished document: Chris Blandford Associates. 1994. A259 Dymchurch to M20 (J11) Draft Brief for Archaeological Field Evaluation.
- <51> SKE7373 Unpublished document: Anthony E. Collins. 1992. Archaeological Potential of the Hythe Haven.
- <52> SKE388 Photograph: SAXON SHORE FORT Types: FORT. BB81/01221. Black and White. Negative.
- <53> SKE7806 Article in serial: Brian Philp. 1982. Romney Marsh and the Roman Fort at Lympne.
- <54> SKE389 Photograph: SAXON SHORE FORT Types: FORT. BB81/01222. Black and White. Negative.
- <55> SKE556 Photograph: SIMILAR (BUT NOT IDENTICAL) TO AO62/141/5 Types: FORT. P29099. Black and White. Print.
- <57> SKE31559 Unpublished document: University of Kent. 2016. Report on a Geophysical Survey of Stutfall Castle, the Roman Saxon Shore Fort at Lympne, Kent.
- <58>XY SKE16191 Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments. [Mapped feature: #605 Castle, ]
- <59> SKE54570 Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Stutfall Castle, Lympne, Listed Building.
Finds (1)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (7)
- Intrusive Event: Geoarchaeological and palaeoenvironmental assessment, A259 Dymchurch to M20 (Junction 11) (EKE21144)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Geophysical Survey of Stutfall Castle, the Roman Saxon Shore Fort at Lympne, Kent (EKE15003)
- Intrusive Event: STUTFALL CASTLE (LEMANIS) (Ref: EI 14618) (EKE3749)
- Intrusive Event: STUTFALL CASTLE (LEMANIS) (Ref: EI 14619) (EKE3750)
- Intrusive Event: STUTFALL CASTLE (LEMANIS) (Ref: EI 14620) (EKE3751)
- Intrusive Event: STUTFALL CASTLE (LEMANIS) (Ref: EI 14621) (EKE3752)
- Intrusive Event: STUTFALL CASTLE (Ref: EI 36071) (EKE4440)
Related Thematic Articles (2)
Record last edited
Dec 3 2021 4:53PM