Monument record TR 23 NW 11 - Folkestone Roman villa
Grid reference | Centred TR 2409 3698 (78m by 123m) |
Map sheet | TR23NW |
County | KENT |
Type and Period (5)
- VILLA (VILLA, Roman - 50 AD? (at some time) to 409 AD (at some time))
- SLIT TRENCH (Abandoned, Modern - 1940 AD? (between) to 1945 AD? (between))
- BATH HOUSE (Roman - 90 AD? (at some time) to 386 AD? (at some time))
- MOSAIC (Roman - 90 AD? to 332 AD?)
Full Description
<1> OS 6" 1962 (OS Card Reference). SKE48371.
<2> VCH Kent 3 1932 114 plan (M V Taylor) (OS Card Reference). SKE50999.
<3> Arch Cant 38 1926 45-50 plan (S E Winbolt) (OS Card Reference). SKE35061.
<4> Ro Folkestone 1925 illus (S E Winbolt) (OS Card Reference). SKE49270.
<5> AMs Eng & Wales 1961 58 (MOW) (OS Card Reference). SKE33027.
<6> Arch of Kent 1930 209-210 plate (R F Jessup) (OS Card Reference). SKE36893.
<7> F1 CFW 28.04.64 (OS Card Reference). SKE42790.
<8> DOE (IAM) Record form 2 Nov 1986 (OS Card Reference). SKE40741.
<9> Arch Cant 87 1972 31 (S E Rigold) (OS Card Reference). SKE35918.
<10> Studies RB Villa 1978 117-9 123 124 162 164 165 plan 176 200 (ed M Todd) (OS Card Reference). SKE49714.
<11> JRS 14 1924 242 246 (R G Collingwood M V Taylor) (OS Card Reference). SKE45045.
<12> Arch of Ro Brit 1969 138-141 plan 146 (R G Collingwood I Richmond) (OS Card Reference). SKE36933.
<13> Towns of Ro Britain 1975 192 (J Wacher) (OS Card Reference). SKE50612.
<14> Mosaics in Ro Brit 1973 76-77 (A Rainey) (OS Card Reference). SKE47340.
<15> Arch Cant 37 1925 209-210 (S E Winbolt) (OS Card Reference). SKE35057.
<16> Ro Villa in Brit 1969 57 58 59 60 64 153 270 plan (A L F Rivet) (OS Card Reference). SKE49278.
<17> Ro Villa Site East Cliff 1924 (S E Winbolt) (OS Card Reference). SKE49279.
<18> Field report for monument TR 23 NW 11 - April, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5597.
<19> [ROMAN VILLA] (Collection). SKE6548.
<20> Kent Archaeolological Rescue Unit, 1989, Folkestone Roman Villa Excavation, KARU 1989 Excavations at Folkestone Roman Villa (Unpublished document). SKE11889.
<21> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, KAR 99 (1990) b PHILP (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.
<24> Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology, 1993, Desk based study of the maritime archaeological potential in areas under proposal for the Dover & Folkeston (Unpublished document). SKE6801.
<25> EXCAVATION Types: VILLA (Photograph). SKE535.
<27> EXCAVATION Types: VILLA (Photograph). SKE534.
<28> EXCAVATION Types: VILLA (Photograph). SKE537.
<29> 1955, PLAN OF ROMAN VILLA AT FOLKESTONE (Photograph). SKE1397.
<32> EXCAVATION Types: VILLA (Photograph). SKE533.
<33> FURNACE ARCH Types: VILLA/HYPOCAUST (Photograph). SKE532.
<34> Southern Water Services, 1993, Dover & Folkestone Wastewater Treatment scheme Environmental Statement (Unpublished document). SKE6815.
<36> SITE PLAN Types: VILLA (Photograph). SKE183.
<37> 2ND CENT. BUILT ON THE SITE OF A CEMETERY.SEE ALSO AO55/115/1 Types: VILLA (Photograph). SKE528.
<38> VIEW Types: VILLA/HYPOCAUST (Photograph). SKE530.
<40> EXCAVATION Types: VILLA (Photograph). SKE536.
<41> Southern Water Services, 1993, Dover & Folkestone Wastewater Treatment scheme Environmental Statement (Unpublished document). SKE6815.
<42> Keller, P. T., 1989, Quern Production at Folkestone, South-East Kent: An Interim Note (Article in serial). SKE12095.
<43> Canterbury Archaeological Trust LTD, 2012, Interim report on the Roman villa excavations. East Wear Bay, Folkestone, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE31116.
<44> National Association of Mining History Organisation, The Archaeology of Mining and Quarrying in England, A Research Framework (Unpublished document). SKE31636.
<45> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.
<46> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2021, East Wear Bay, Archaeological Conservation Management Plan (Unpublished document). SKE53646.
Sources/Archives (43)
- <1> SKE48371 OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1962.
- <2> SKE50999 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 3 1932 114 plan (M V Taylor).
- <3> SKE35061 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 38 1926 45-50 plan (S E Winbolt).
- <4> SKE49270 OS Card Reference: Ro Folkestone 1925 illus (S E Winbolt).
- <5> SKE33027 OS Card Reference: AMs Eng & Wales 1961 58 (MOW).
- <6> SKE36893 OS Card Reference: Arch of Kent 1930 209-210 plate (R F Jessup).
- <7> SKE42790 OS Card Reference: F1 CFW 28.04.64.
- <8> SKE40741 OS Card Reference: DOE (IAM) Record form 2 Nov 1986.
- <9> SKE35918 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 87 1972 31 (S E Rigold).
- <10> SKE49714 OS Card Reference: Studies RB Villa 1978 117-9 123 124 162 164 165 plan 176 200 (ed M Todd).
- <11> SKE45045 OS Card Reference: JRS 14 1924 242 246 (R G Collingwood M V Taylor).
- <12> SKE36933 OS Card Reference: Arch of Ro Brit 1969 138-141 plan 146 (R G Collingwood I Richmond).
- <13> SKE50612 OS Card Reference: Towns of Ro Britain 1975 192 (J Wacher).
- <14> SKE47340 OS Card Reference: Mosaics in Ro Brit 1973 76-77 (A Rainey).
- <15> SKE35057 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 37 1925 209-210 (S E Winbolt).
- <16> SKE49278 OS Card Reference: Ro Villa in Brit 1969 57 58 59 60 64 153 270 plan (A L F Rivet).
- <17> SKE49279 OS Card Reference: Ro Villa Site East Cliff 1924 (S E Winbolt).
- <18> SKE5597 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 23 NW 11 - April, 1964.
- <19> SKE6548 Collection: [ROMAN VILLA].
- <20> SKE11889 Unpublished document: Kent Archaeolological Rescue Unit. 1989. Folkestone Roman Villa Excavation. KARU 1989 Excavations at Folkestone Roman Villa.
- <21> SKE6440 Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. KAR 99 (1990) b PHILP.
- <24> SKE6801 Unpublished document: Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology. 1993. Desk based study of the maritime archaeological potential in areas under proposal for the Dover & Folkeston.
- <25> SKE535 Photograph: EXCAVATION Types: VILLA. P29078. Black and White. Print.
- <27> SKE534 Photograph: EXCAVATION Types: VILLA. P29077. Black and White. Print.
- <28> SKE537 Photograph: EXCAVATION Types: VILLA. P29080. Black and White. Print.
- <29> SKE1397 Photograph: 1955. PLAN OF ROMAN VILLA AT FOLKESTONE. OS55/F105/1. Black and White. Negative.
- <30> SKE1412 Photograph: PLAN OF ROMAN VILLA AT FOLKESTONE. OS55/F115/2. Black and White. Negative.
- <31> SKE1411 Photograph: PLAN OF ROMAN VILLA AT FOLKESTONE. OS55/F115/1. Black and White. Negative.
- <32> SKE533 Photograph: EXCAVATION Types: VILLA. P29076. Black and White. Print.
- <33> SKE532 Photograph: FURNACE ARCH Types: VILLA/HYPOCAUST. P29075. Black and White. Print.
- <34> SKE6815 Unpublished document: Southern Water Services. 1993. Dover & Folkestone Wastewater Treatment scheme Environmental Statement.
- <35> SKE529 Photograph: MAIN CORRIDOR AND ROOMS ADJOINING Types: VILLA. P29072. Black and White. Print.
- <36> SKE183 Photograph: SITE PLAN Types: VILLA. AO55/115/1. Black and White. Negative.
- <37> SKE528 Photograph: 2ND CENT. BUILT ON THE SITE OF A CEMETERY.SEE ALSO AO55/115/1 Types: VILLA. P29071. Black and White. Print.
- <38> SKE530 Photograph: VIEW Types: VILLA/HYPOCAUST. P29073. Black and White. Print.
- <39> SKE531 Photograph: THE SIXTEEN BUTTRESSES Types: VILLA/HYPOCAUST. P29074. Black and White. Print.
- <40> SKE536 Photograph: EXCAVATION Types: VILLA. P29079. Black and White. Print.
- <41> SKE6815 Unpublished document: Southern Water Services. 1993. Dover & Folkestone Wastewater Treatment scheme Environmental Statement.
- <42> SKE12095 Article in serial: Keller, P. T.. 1989. Quern Production at Folkestone, South-East Kent: An Interim Note. XX p193-200.
- <43> SKE31116 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust LTD. 2012. Interim report on the Roman villa excavations. East Wear Bay, Folkestone, Kent.
- <44> SKE31636 Unpublished document: National Association of Mining History Organisation. The Archaeology of Mining and Quarrying in England, A Research Framework.
- <45> SKE16191 Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments.
- <46> SKE53646 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2021. East Wear Bay, Archaeological Conservation Management Plan.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (7)
- Intrusive Event: EAST CLIFF (Ref: EI 15153) (EKE4086)
- Non-Intrusive Event: East Wear Bay, Archaeological Conservation Management Plan (Ref: OR EWB CMP) (EKE20334)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at Folkestone Roman Villa, East Cliff (Ref: EI 36077) (EKE4443)
- Intrusive Event: Interim report on the Roman villa excavations. East Wear Bay, Folkestone, Kent (Ref: ATU/1) (EKE14527)
- Non-Intrusive Event: South-East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey (Ref: 71330) (EWX10073)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief at 69 Wear Bay Road, Folkstone (Ref: FWBR-WB-09) (EKE11431)
- Intrusive Event: WEAR BAY FORESHORE (Ref: EI 15154) (EKE4087)
Related Thematic Articles (1)
Record last edited
Mar 18 2024 1:07PM