Monument record TR 25 NW 14 - Wingham Roman Villa
Grid reference | Centred TR 2404 5724 (163m by 130m) FCE |
Map sheet | TR25NW |
County | KENT |
District | DOVER, KENT |
Civil Parish | WINGHAM, DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (5)
- VILLA (VILLA, Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- BATH HOUSE (Roman - 43 AD? (at some time) to 409 AD? (at some time))
- KILN (Roman - 43 AD? (at some time) to 409 AD? (at some time))
- INDUSTRIAL SITE (Roman - 43 AD? (at some time) to 409 AD? (at some time))
- PAVEMENT (Roman - 43 AD? (at some time) to 409 AD? (at some time))
Full Description
Frank Jenkins, Arch Cant 1984, 1984, Roman Villa, Wingham (Article in serial). SKE29317.
<1> OS 25" 1956 (OS Card Reference). SKE48271.
<2> Arch Cant 14 1882 134-9 illust (G Dowker) (OS Card Reference). SKE34710.
<3> Ibid 15 1883 351-7 illust (OS Card Reference). SKE44192.
<4> VCH Kent 3 1932 125 (REM Wheeler) (OS Card Reference). SKE51010.
<5> Arch Cant 74 1960 68-9 (E Greenfield) (OS Card Reference). SKE35582.
<6> F1 ASP 07-JUL-64 (OS Card Reference). SKE41983.
<7> Arch Cant 80 1965 lviii (OS Card Reference). SKE35706.
<8> F1 ASP 01-SEP-66 (OS Card Reference). SKE41879.
<9> The Antiquary 5 1882 178-9 (OS Card Reference). SKE49949.
<10> The Antiquary 4 1881 237-9 (CR Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE49944.
<11> JBAA 37 1881 449-51 (G Dowker) (OS Card Reference). SKE44949.
<12> Towns of Roman Britain 1975 192 (J Wacher) (OS Card Reference). SKE50614.
<13> JRS 56 1966 217 (OS Card Reference). SKE45129.
<14> JRS 57 1967 202 (OS Card Reference). SKE45133.
<15> JRS 58 1968 206 (OS Card Reference). SKE45137.
<16> KAR 2 1965 33-4 (LD Lyle) (OS Card Reference). SKE45253.
<17> The Roman Villa in Britain 1969 153 278 (ALF Rivett) (OS Card Reference). SKE50505.
<18> Ant 17 1943 210-12 (AG Wells) (OS Card Reference). SKE33108.
<19> Ant 18 1944 42-45 (JNL Myres) (OS Card Reference). SKE33109.
<20> Studies in the Romano British Villa 1978 110,121,190,194,195,200,201,222 (M Todd Ed) (OS Card Reference). SKE49709.
<21> BAR 70 Agricultural Buildings in Roman Britain 1979 65 142 150 153 Fig 41 (P Morris) (OS Card Reference). SKE37555.
<22> Arch Cant 81 1966 1xvi (F Jenkins) (OS Card Reference). SKE35717.
<23> Arch Cant 82 1967 1x (F Jenkins) (OS Card Reference). SKE35740.
<24> Mosaics in Roman Britain 1973 158 (A Rainey) (OS Card Reference). SKE47342.
<25> Arch of Kent 1930 264 (RF Jessup) (OS Card Reference). SKE36913.
<26> A Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Pottery of the Pagan Period 12 1977 3221 202 (JNL Myres) (OS Card Reference). SKE32758.
<27> Field report for monument TR 25 NW 14 - September, 1966 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5736.
<28> GEORGE DOWKER (Collection). SKE6491.
<29> DKR Surveys, 2001, Geophysical Survey Report - Resistance for Cedar Lodge II (Unpublished document). SKE12179.
<30> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.
<31> Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit, 1999, Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief at Cedar Lodge Wingham Kent (Unpublished document). SKE16809.
Sources/Archives (32)
- --- SKE29317 Article in serial: Frank Jenkins, Arch Cant 1984. 1984. Roman Villa, Wingham. Arch Cant 100, 1984, pp.87-99.
- <1> SKE48271 OS Card Reference: OS 25" 1956.
- <2> SKE34710 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 14 1882 134-9 illust (G Dowker).
- <3> SKE44192 OS Card Reference: Ibid 15 1883 351-7 illust.
- <4> SKE51010 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 3 1932 125 (REM Wheeler).
- <5> SKE35582 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 74 1960 68-9 (E Greenfield).
- <6> SKE41983 OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 07-JUL-64.
- <7> SKE35706 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 80 1965 lviii.
- <8> SKE41879 OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 01-SEP-66.
- <9> SKE49949 OS Card Reference: The Antiquary 5 1882 178-9.
- <10> SKE49944 OS Card Reference: The Antiquary 4 1881 237-9 (CR Smith).
- <11> SKE44949 OS Card Reference: JBAA 37 1881 449-51 (G Dowker).
- <12> SKE50614 OS Card Reference: Towns of Roman Britain 1975 192 (J Wacher).
- <13> SKE45129 OS Card Reference: JRS 56 1966 217.
- <14> SKE45133 OS Card Reference: JRS 57 1967 202.
- <15> SKE45137 OS Card Reference: JRS 58 1968 206.
- <16> SKE45253 OS Card Reference: KAR 2 1965 33-4 (LD Lyle).
- <17> SKE50505 OS Card Reference: The Roman Villa in Britain 1969 153 278 (ALF Rivett).
- <18> SKE33108 OS Card Reference: Ant 17 1943 210-12 (AG Wells).
- <19> SKE33109 OS Card Reference: Ant 18 1944 42-45 (JNL Myres).
- <20> SKE49709 OS Card Reference: Studies in the Romano British Villa 1978 110,121,190,194,195,200,201,222 (M Todd Ed).
- <21> SKE37555 OS Card Reference: BAR 70 Agricultural Buildings in Roman Britain 1979 65 142 150 153 Fig 41 (P Morris).
- <22> SKE35717 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 81 1966 1xvi (F Jenkins).
- <23> SKE35740 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 82 1967 1x (F Jenkins).
- <24> SKE47342 OS Card Reference: Mosaics in Roman Britain 1973 158 (A Rainey).
- <25> SKE36913 OS Card Reference: Arch of Kent 1930 264 (RF Jessup).
- <26> SKE32758 OS Card Reference: A Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Pottery of the Pagan Period 12 1977 3221 202 (JNL Myres).
- <27> SKE5736 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 25 NW 14 - September, 1966.
- <28> SKE6491 Collection: GEORGE DOWKER.
- <29> SKE12179 Unpublished document: DKR Surveys. 2001. Geophysical Survey Report - Resistance for Cedar Lodge II.
- <30>XY SKE16191 Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments. [Mapped feature: #889 villa, ]
- <31> SKE16809 Unpublished document: Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit. 1999. Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief at Cedar Lodge Wingham Kent.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation, The Vineyards, 1882 (Ref: EI 14986) (EKE3967)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Geophysical Survey Report - Resistance for Cedar Lodge II, Wingham, Dover (EKE8498)
- Intrusive Event: THE VINEYARDS (Ref: EI 14987) (EKE3968)
- Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at Cedar Lodge Wingham Kent (EKE11066)
Related Thematic Articles (1)
Record last edited
Mar 17 2022 3:23PM