Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE12295 - An archaeological evaluation of the Northern Housing Area, north of Ridham Avenue, Kemsley, near Sittingbourne, Kent

Title An archaeological evaluation of the Northern Housing Area, north of Ridham Avenue, Kemsley, near Sittingbourne, Kent
Date/Year 2003


This evaluation examined the parcel of land north of the Kemsley Fields excavations (TQ 96 NW 1004) and south and west of the evaluation work along the route of the proposed road scheme north of Ridham Avenue (TQ 96 NW 96, 97 and 98). The current work exposed dense concentrations of archaeological features across most of the site. These features were datable by their ceramic contents, which revealed three periods of activity, the Mid-Late Bronze Age, the Late Iron Age-Romano British and the Medieval. Settlement activity was noted in all three periods. The earliest remains, which included a cremation burial and probable hut circle, were the most numerous and probably represent the northern extension of the Kemsley Fields site and as such are of potentially high archaeological importance. The settlement site at Kemsley Fields produced similar pottery assemblages in association with cremation burials and the remains of huts and enclosures (TQ 96 NW 1004).

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Kent County Council Heritage 2004/325

Referenced Monuments (5)

  • Late Iron Age and Roman features north of Ridham Avenue, Kemsley (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age and Roman features north of Ridham Avenue, Kemsley (Monument)
  • Medieval features north of Ridham Avenue (Monument)
  • Medieval features north of Ridham Avenue (Monument)
  • Mid-Late Bronze Age features, north of Ridham Avenue, Kemsley (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE8600 Evaluation of the Northern Housing Area, north of Ridham Avenue, Kemsley, near Sittingbourne (Ref: CAT ref 1772)

Record last edited

Sep 16 2014 3:28PM