Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE12406 - An archaeological watching brief during the construction of a warehouse and ancillary office at Dodds Transport, Bonham Drive, Eurolink Business Park, Sittingbourne, Kent

Title An archaeological watching brief during the construction of a warehouse and ancillary office at Dodds Transport, Bonham Drive, Eurolink Business Park, Sittingbourne, Kent
Date/Year 2004


This report details the results of an archaeological watching brief during the machine excavation of a series of foundation trenches associated with the construction of a new warehouse and ancillary office for Dodds transport. Evidence of secondary quarrying activity was recorded along with the lower remains of a later post medieval clamp/kiln. No other earlier archaeological cut feature or laid deposits were encountered during the duration of the watching brief.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2004/228

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Evidence of Post Medieval quarrying and a brick clamp/kiln from Bonham Drive, Sittingbourne (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE8731 Watching brief during the construction of a warehouse and ancillary office at Dodds Transport, Bonham Drive, Eurolink Business Park, Sittingbourne (Ref: BDS/WB-04 Ref.1981)

Record last edited

Mar 7 2005 5:56AM