Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE12982 - Chart Mill, Chart Hill, Chart Sutton, Maidstone, Kent: A brief architectural assessment of a cartshed and open-fronted shelter

Title Chart Mill, Chart Hill, Chart Sutton, Maidstone, Kent: A brief architectural assessment of a cartshed and open-fronted shelter
Date/Year 2007


A brief visual inspection of the buildings prior to possible conversion. The buildings form part of a small complex of buildings that are associated with a significant rural mill.

External Links (0)


unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2007/47

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Cart-Shed and open fronted building at Chart Mill, Chart Sutton, Maidstone (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE9287 Assessment of a cartshed and open-fronted shelter at Chart Mill, Chart Sutton (Ref: 2447)

Record last edited

Jul 18 2007 9:35AM