Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE13615 - Land to the rear of 18-20 Tudor Crescent, Otford, Kent An Archaeological Watching Brief

Title Land to the rear of 18-20 Tudor Crescent, Otford, Kent An Archaeological Watching Brief
Date/Year 2004


Account of a watching brief during the construction of a new house. A middle Saxon pit containing animal bone, a knife blade and a residual fragment of Romano-British tile were found.

External Links (0)




Kent County Council Heritage 2004/411

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Middle Saxon rubbish pit, Tudor Crescent, Otford (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE9885 Watching brief at land to the rear of 18-20 Tudor Crescent, Otford (Ref: TCO/04)

Record last edited

Jan 22 2014 4:03PM