Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE13618 - An Archaeological Watching Brief at 39 Greenhill Road, Otford, Kent
Title | An Archaeological Watching Brief at 39 Greenhill Road, Otford, Kent |
Author/Originator | Archaeology South-East |
Date/Year | 2008 |
account of a watching brief carried out during a residential development. Half of the site was terraced without archaeological supervision but the other half revealed only two features that may have been quarry pits and may have been natural
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Kent County Council Heritage 2008/238
Referenced Monuments (1)
- TQ 56 SW 198 Possible quarry pits at 39 Greenhill Road, Otford (maybe natural) (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EKE9887 Watching brief at 39 Greenhill Road, Otford (Ref: Site: GRO07)
Record last edited
Mar 23 2015 2:11PM