Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE15613 - 2-4 Albion Road, Ramsagte: An archaeological evaluation report
Title | 2-4 Albion Road, Ramsagte: An archaeological evaluation report |
Author/Originator | Museum of London Archaeology Service |
Date/Year | 2002 |
Archaeological evaluation commissioned by Matthew Homes Ltd. Following consultation with KCC Heritage Conservation Group six evaluation trenches were excavated on the site in July 2002. The field evaluation revealed isolated post-medieval features to the north and north-east of the site underlying a reworked subsoil. It was concluded the proposed development would have no significant archaelogical impact.
External Links (0)
Unpublished document
Kent County Council Heritage 2002/333
Referenced Monuments (1)
- TR 36 NE 474 Post-medieval features found during an evaluation, 2-4 Albion Road, Ramsgate (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EKE9984 Evaluation at 2-4 Albion Road, Ramsgate (Ref: KT-ALB02)
Record last edited
Apr 28 2010 10:55AM