Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE15739 - An archaeological Watching brief during the excavation of foundation trenches to the rear of 'Melaines', Fairfield Road, New Road, New Romeny, Shepway, Kent

Title An archaeological Watching brief during the excavation of foundation trenches to the rear of 'Melaines', Fairfield Road, New Road, New Romeny, Shepway, Kent
Date/Year 2003


Two sub-circular features (either rubbish or cess pits) sealed by a layer which contained medieval pottery AD 1250 to AD 1325, including several foreign imports.

External Links (0)


Unpublished grey lit report produced by CAT


Kent County Council Heritage 2003/131

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Two medieval sub-circular features as well as C13/14th pottery sherds (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • EKE10098 Watching brief to the rear of 'Melaine' Fairfield Road, New Romney, Shepway. (Ref: MFRNR/WB-03)
  • EKE20557 Watching brief to the rear of 'Melaine' Fairfield Road, New Romney, Shepway. (Ref: MFRNR/WB-03)

Record last edited

Mar 10 2023 3:01PM