Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE15830 - An Archaeological Watching Brief at the Old Joinery, Historic Dockyard, Chatham
Title | An Archaeological Watching Brief at the Old Joinery, Historic Dockyard, Chatham |
Author/Originator | Alan Ward |
Date/Year | 2009 |
Report on a watching brief on a number of boreholes and trenches.
External Links (0)
Unpublished document
Kent County Council Heritage 2009/265
Referenced Monuments (1)
- TQ 76 NE 1240 JOINERS SHOP (Listed Building)
Referenced Events (1)
- EKE10177 A watching brief at the Old Joinery, Historic Dockyard, Chatham
Record last edited
Nov 17 2009 9:08AM