Source/Archive record (Article in monograph) SKE16134 - Gazetteer of prehistoric, Roman and Saxon sites in Romney Marsh and the surrounding area surrounding area

Title Gazetteer of prehistoric, Roman and Saxon sites in Romney Marsh and the surrounding area surrounding area
Date/Year 1988


Gazetteer of prehistoric, Roman and Saxon sites in Romney Marsh and the surrounding area.
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In: Eddison, J. & Green, C. (eds) Romney Marsh: Evolution, Occupation, Reclamation, Oxford University Committee Archaology monogrpah 24 177-185


Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Bronze Ingots from Pioneer Quarry (Findspot)
  • Find spot of 1st/2nd century pottery, Lympne (Findspot)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

May 26 2010 4:47PM