Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE17501 - The Western Heights, Dover, Kent. Report No 6: The Entrances to the Fortress: 19th-century artillery fortifications

Title The Western Heights, Dover, Kent. Report No 6: The Entrances to the Fortress: 19th-century artillery fortifications
Date/Year 2000


Report on the entrances to the Dover Western Heights fortress.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2004/8

Referenced Monuments (14)

  • Casemated gunrooms and musketry gallery at the North Entrance of the Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Ditches and Tenaille at the North Entrance of the Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Drawbridge crossing the south ditch at the Southern Entrance of the Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • former site of bridge carrying Old Folkestone Road over the South Lines (Monument)
  • Gatehouse (Archcliffe Gate) for the Southern Entrance to the Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Gunrooms and a musketry gallery at the Southern Entrance to the Western Heights, Dover. (Monument)
  • Inner gate, guard house and water tanks at the North Entrance of the Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Napoleonic layout of the north entrance to the Western Heights (Monument)
  • Outer and inner bridge at the North Entrance of the Western Heights, Dover. (Monument)
  • Outer entrance at the North Entrance of the Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • St. Martins Magazine, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • The southern entrance ditch of the Western Heights, Dover. (Monument)
  • Tunnel between the inner and outer gates of the North Entrance to the Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Western Heights, Dover (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE11879 Survey of the entrances to the Dover Western Heights fortress

Record last edited

Jun 11 2020 10:55PM